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English-German translation for: spaces
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Dictionary English German: spaces

Translation 1 - 45 of 45


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NOUN   a space | spaces
VERB  to space | spaced | spaced
spacing | spaces
Zwischenräume {pl}
Leerfelder {pl}
Welträume {pl}
Leerzeichen {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
math. affine spacesaffine Räume {pl}
commemorative spacesErinnerungsräume {pl}
RealEst. commercial spaces [in a mixed-use building]Gewerbeflächen {pl}
constr. FireResc confined spacesbeengte Räume {pl}
engin. confined spacesenge Räume {f}
coworking spacesCo-Working-Spaces {pl}
ecol. environmental spacesUmwelträume {pl}
math. functional spacesFunktionalräume {pl}
gaping spacesleere Flächen {pl}
green spacesGrünanlagen {pl}
ecol. green spacesGrünflächen {pl}
dent. interdental spacesZahnzwischenräume {pl}
interior spacesInnenräume {pl}
tech. intermediate spacesZwischenräume {pl}
tech. internal spacesInnenräume {f}
intervening spacesZwischenräume {pl}
memory spacesErinnerungsräume {pl}
open spacesFreiräume {pl}
open spacesoffene Flächen {pl}
open spaces [landscape]offene Weiten {pl} [Landschaft]
parking spacesParkplätze {pl}
public spacesöffentliche Bereiche {pl}
shipping spacesSchiffsräume {pl}
dent. tooth spacesZahnlücken {pl}
math. vector spacesVektorräume {pl}
RealEst. work spaces [in an office building]Büroplätze {pl}
3 Words: Others
print without any spaces {adv}ohne Leerzeichen
3 Words: Nouns
admin. archi. public indoor spacesöffentlich zugängliche Innenräume {pl}
math. Sobolev-Slobodeckij spacesSobolev-Slobodeckij-Räume {pl} [auch: Sobolew-Slobodeckij-Räume]
anat. spaces of FontanaFontana-Räume {pl}
spaces of timeZeiträume {pl}
math. uniformly convex spacesgleichmäßig konvexe Räume {pl}
math. uniformly rotund spacesgleichmäßig konvexe Räume {pl}
4 Words: Others
tech. free of dead spaces {adj}totraumfrei
in the smallest spaces {adv}auf kleinstem Raum
4 Words: Nouns
access to wide spacesZugang {m} zu weiten Flächen
traffic shortage of parking spacesAbstellplatzmangel {m} [Parkplatzmangel]
5+ Words: Others
in the tightest of spaces {adv}auf engstem Raum
5+ Words: Nouns
car park with 500 spaces [esp. Br.]Parkplatz {m} mit 500 Stellplätzen
jobs safe working in confined spacessicheres Arbeiten {n} in engen und geschlossenen Räumen
traffic shortage of parking space / spacesParkplatzproblem {n}
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Q 2021-04-24: Slash with spaces? / Schrägstrich mit Zwischenräumen?
A 2017-01-01: GL 3: ... (please use spaces before and after the slash in this case).
A 2017-01-01: GL 3: ... (please use spaces before and after the slash in this case).
A 2016-03-15: spaces to withdraw to
Q 2016-02-18: White Spaces (no, not IT!)
A 2012-12-22: system tuning spaces > ? Raum zur Systemoptimierung; system tuning > Syste...
Q 2012-12-21: "System Tuning Spaces"
A 2011-10-28: maintenance of green spaces / areas
A 2011-08-31: wide open spaces
A 2010-05-13: Das wären wohl eher "garden spaces"
A 2010-05-09: Walking into confined spaces makes more sense than driving into them,
A 2010-04-27: the wide open spaces
Q 2010-02-24: acquisition spaces
A 2010-01-22: accessory spaces
A 2009-11-16: @ dee: It is more in the sense of 'spaces' here, I think.
A 2009-11-16: spaces = places ?
A 2009-11-16: And as churches are no temples for God but spaces for people they provide ...
A 2009-11-12: His works in public spaces cancel out the confrontation between a work of ...
Q 2009-11-12: Spaces vor und nach slash
A 2009-07-10: during cleaning the rear interdental spaces

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