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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: spasm in the leg
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: spasm in the leg

Translation 1 - 50 of 61016  >>

med. spasm in the legKrampf {m} im Bein
Partial Matches
med. cramp in the legWadenkrampf {m}
med. shot in the legBeinschuss {m}
to be long in the leglange Beine haben
to be shot in the legam Bein angeschossen sein
to be wounded in the legam Bein verwundet sein
med. to have a pain in the legSchmerzen im Bein haben
med. spasm of the esophagus [Am.]Speiseröhrenkrampf {m}
med. spasm of the oesophagus [Br.]Speiseröhrenkrampf {m}
med. spasm of the chin (muscles)Kinnspasmus {m}
med. spasm of the uterine cervixMuttermundspasmus {m}
med. leg in plasterGipsbein {n}
sports first leg <1st leg> [football]Hinspiel {n}
sports second leg <2nd leg> [football]Rückspiel {n}
the unaffected legdas nicht betroffene Bein {n}
med. fracture of the legBeinbruch {m}
med. fractures of the legBeinbrüche {pl}
cloth. leg of the bootStiefelschaft {m} [Schaft des Stiefels]
med. operation on the legBein-OP {f} [kurz für: Beinoperation]
med. operation on the legBeinoperation {f}
Pull the other leg! [idiom]Das kannst du einem anderen weismachen! [Redewendung]
The dog cocks its leg.Der Hund hebt das Bein / Beinchen.
zool. walking leg of the pereonSchreitbein {n} des Pereon
med. fracture of the lower leg [Fractura cruris]Unterschenkelbruch {m}
idiom to talk the hind leg off a donkey [coll.]jdm. ein / das Ohr abkauen [ugs.]
gastr. lower (joint of the) leg [of a fowl]Unterkeule {f} [Geflügel]
to get the leg over [sl.] [to have sexual intercourse with a woman]rübersteigen [ugs.]
to spasmsich verkrampfen
to spasmzucken
med. spasmKrampf {m}
med. spasmSpasmus {m}
med. spasmZuckung {f}
med. adductor spasmAdduktorenspasmus {m}
med. affect spasmAffektkrampf {m}
med. affective spasmAffektkrampf {m}
med. cadaveric spasmkataleptische Totenstarre {f}
med. carpopedal spasmKarpopedalspasmus {m}
med. chin spasmKinnspasmus {m}
med. optics convergence spasmKonvergenzspasmus {m}
med. coronary spasmKoronarspasmus {m}
med. facial spasmGesichtskrampf {m}
gastric spasmGastrospasmus {m}
med. glossopharyngeal spasmGlossopharyngeuskrampf {m}
med. glossopharyngeal spasmSchlundkrampf {m}
med. muscle spasmMuskelkrampf {m}
med. muscle spasmMuskelspasmus {m}
med. muscular spasmMuskelkrampf {m}
med. reflex spasmReflexkrampf {m}
med. saltatory spasmsaltatorischer Reflexkrampf {m}
med. vaginal spasmScheidenkrampf {m}
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