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English-German translation for: spasmodic cough
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Dictionary English German: spasmodic cough

Translation 1 - 50 of 157  >>

med. spasmodic coughkrampfhafter Husten {m}
med. spasmodic coughKrampfhusten {m}
Partial Matches
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
med. spasmodic {adj}krampfartig
med. spasmodic {adj}krampfhaft
med. spasmodic {adj}spasmisch
med. spasmodic {adj}spasmodisch
spasmodic {adj}sprunghaft [stoßweise]
spasmodic {adj} [occasional]sporadisch
VetMed. spasmodic colicDarmkrampf {m} [z. B. Pferd]
med. VetMed. spasmodic colicKrampfkolik {f}
med. VetMed. spasmodic colicspastische Kolik {f}
spasmodic contractionkrampfhafte Zusammenziehung {f}
med. spasmodic dysphoniaspasmodische Dysphonie {f}
spasmodic effortskrampfhafte Anstrengungen {pl}
med. spasmodic stricturespastische Striktur {f}
spasmodic styleverkrampfter Stil {m}
spasmodic zealkrampfhafter Eifer {m}
spasmodic {adj} [growth etc.]schubweise
med. (involuntary) spasmodic winking [Spasmus nictitans]Zwinkerkrampf {m}
med. spasmodic torticollis <ST> [Torticollis spasmodicus, Torticollis spasticus]Torticollis spasmodicus / spasticus {m} <TS>
to coughhusten
med. coughHusten {m}
cough [sound]Huster {m} [ugs.] [Geräusch beim Husten]
med. pharm. cough soothing {adj}hustenstillend
cough-like {adj}hüstelnd
cough-loosening {adj}hustenlösend
cough-relieving {adj}hustenstillend
to cough slightlyhüsteln
to cough slightlysich räuspern
med. to cough upaushusten
med. bad coughschlimmer Husten {m}
med. barking coughbellender Husten {m}
med. barking coughBellhusten {m}
med. barking coughKrupphusten {m} [bellender Husten]
med. bitonal coughbitonaler Husten {m}
med. blood coughBluthusten {m}
med. chesty coughtiefsitzender Husten {m}
med. choking coughWürgehusten {m}
med. convulsive coughHustenkrampf {m}
med. convulsive coughkrampfhafter Husten {m}
med. convulsive coughKrampfhusten {m}
med. cough attackHustenanfall {m}
gastr. cough candyHustenbonbon {n}
pharm. cough capsuleHustenkapsel {f}
pharm. cough capsulesHustenkapseln {pl}
cough dropHustenbonbon {m} {n} [österr. nur {n}]
pharm. cough dropHustenpastille {f}
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