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Dictionary English German: speak

Translation 1 - 50 of 324  >>

English German
NOUN   a speak | speaks
VERB  to speak | spoke/[archaic] spake | spoken ... 
SYNO   to speak | to talk | to address ... 
Speak! [dog command]Gib Laut! [Hundekommando]
to speak
to speak
to speak
etw. sagen
to speak sth. [to be able to speak a language] [e.g. I speak German.]
etw. können [eine Sprache können] [z. B. Ich kann Englisch.]
to speak sth.
etw.Akk. sprechen [Dialekt, Englisch etc.]
to speakeine Rede halten
to speakeinen Vortrag halten
ling. speak [Am.] [coll.]
Sprech {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Fachsprache, Jargon]
ling. speak [coll.] [parlance]Jargon {m}
2 Words: Others
sb. would speakjd. spräche
Speak up!Heraus mit der Sprache!
2 Words: Verbs
to speak (on sth.)sich (zu etw.Dat.) äußern
to speak aboutsprechen von
to speak about sb.von jdm. sprechen
to speak about sth.etw.Akk. besprechen [über etw. sprechen]
to speak about sth.über etw.Akk. sprechen
to speak about sth.zu etw. Stellung nehmen
to speak against sth.sich gegen etw.Akk. aussprechen
to speak bluntlyes ganz offen sagen
to speak boldlyfrei heraussprechen
to speak boldlyoffen reden
to speak boldlyohne Rückhalt sprechen
to speak candidlymit Freimut sprechen
to speak daggersmit scharfen Worten angreifen
to speak distinctlydeutlich sprechen
to speak drivellabern [ugs.]
to speak EnglishEnglisch sprechen (können)
to speak extemporefrei reden [ohne abzulesen]
to speak fair [dated]höflich sprechen
to speak for sb.für jdn. sprechen
to speak for sb./sth.für jdn./etw. plädieren
to speak forsoothlyeine mittelalterliche Sprechweise benutzen
to speak forthfrei heraussagen
to speak franklyfreimütig sprechen
to speak franklymit Freimut sprechen
to speak franklyaus seinem Herzen keine Mördergrube machen [Redewendung]
to speak into sth. [microphone etc.]in etw. hineinsprechen [Mikrofon usw.]
to speak louderlauter sprechen
to speak loudlylaut sprechen
to speak loveLiebe zum Ausdruck bringen
to speak low [esp. literary]leise sprechen
to speak of sb./sth.von jdm./etw. sprechen
to speak onweiterreden
to speak onweitersprechen
to speak on sb./sth.sich über jdn./etw. äußern
to speak outfrei heraussagen
to speak outsichAkk. äußern
to speak outdas Maul aufmachen [derb ugs.]
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A 2024-02-18: meaning "not solemn or serious", see the "as if" (or "so to speak")
Q 2023-06-19: German "frei sprechen" = speak without notes or speak freely or ...?
A 2022-01-14: Agree with Proteus. Common orator's phrase: 'I'll speak to that later.'
A 2021-03-02: +"Why don't they just let them speak English?"+
Q 2021-01-03: the more you speak, the worse it becomes
A 2020-01-14: Or else +payments within the bank,+ i.e. internal payments, so to speak
Q 2019-09-06: to speak oppression and revolt
A 2019-06-08: At this occasion, renown experts will speak on their fields of expertise
A 2019-01-24: You can also ask them in English: "Do you speak English?"
Q 2018-07-26: Did you speak with each other?
A 2017-07-04: In whatever language I know people tend to speak / write more and more loosely.
Q 2017-01-07: Seen this American teaching a Brit how to speak better English?
A 2017-01-02: Speak for yourself.
A 2016-03-28: That's (poorly translated) soap opera speak
A 2016-01-20: In English - http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jan/20/i-live-in-a-te...
A 2015-12-27: Soll ..... ohne -te all are fine, depends to whom you speak .....
A 2015-12-01: Shouldn't it be 'Fav Faves' (since we all use hipster speak)?
Q 2015-09-30: Wonders never cease;-) You need to be able to speak/understand English to ...
A 2015-09-26: "As I said, this comes in a story about a man from Hungary who struggles t...
A 2015-09-08: Speak American

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