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English-German translation for: specialized
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Dictionary English German: specialized

Translation 1 - 58 of 58

English German
ADJ   specialized | more specialized | most specialized
VERB  to specialize | specialized | specialized ... 
SYNO   specialised | specialized
specialized {adj} {past-p}
specialized {adj}
econ. sociol. specialized {adj} [e.g. economy]
arbeitsteilig [z. B. Wirtschaft]
specialized {adj}
specialized {adj}
specialized {adj}speziell [spezialisiert]
2 Words: Others
highly specialized {adj}hochspezialisiert
highly specialized {adj}hoch spezialisiert
non-specialized {adj}nicht spezialisiert
2 Words: Nouns
specialized bookSachbuch {n}
specialized clienteleNischenklientel {f}
specialized companyFachbetrieb {m}
econ. specialized companySpezialunternehmen {n}
specialized concreteSpezialbeton {m}
agr. specialized cropSonderkultur {f}
specialized dealerFachgeschäft {n}
specialized dealerFachhändler {m}
admin. ind. specialized departmentFachabteilung {f}
specialized dictionarySpezialwörterbuch {n}
specialized educationSpezialausbildung {f}
specialized enterpriseFachunternehmen {n}
comm. specialized exhibitionFachausstellung {f}
comm. specialized fairFachmesse {f}
specialized fieldFachbereich {m}
specialized fieldFachgebiet {n}
specialized fieldSachbereich {m}
specialized fieldSachgebiet {n}
specialized fieldSpezialgebiet {n}
med. specialized institutionsSpezialeinrichtungen {pl}
publ. specialized journalFachzeitschrift {f}
specialized knowledgeFachwissen {n}
specialized knowledgeSonderwissen {n}
specialized knowledgeSpezialwissen {n}
specialized knowledge {sg}Fachkenntnisse {pl}
specialized knowledge {sg}Spezialkenntnisse {pl}
specialized knowledge {sg}besondere Fachkenntnisse {pl}
jobs law specialized lawyerFachanwalt {m}
acad. specialized literatureFachliteratur {f}
specialized museumSpartenmuseum {n}
specialized personnelFachkräfte {pl}
journ. specialized press [Am.]Fachpresse {f}
specialized serviceFachdienste {pl}
comm. specialized shopFachgeschäft {n}
specialized skillsbesondere Qualitäten {pl}
cloth. specialized suitSpezialanzug {m}
acad. tech. specialized terminologyFachterminologie {f}
specialized tradeFachhandel {m}
specialized trainingSpezialausbildung {f}
biol. specialized transductionspezialisierte Transduktion {f}
ling. specialized vocabularySpezialvokabular {n}
specialized workerSpezialarbeiter {m}
specialized workerSpezialkraft {f}
specialized worker [female]Spezialarbeiterin {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to be specialized in sth.auf etw. spezialisiert sein
3 Words: Nouns
highly specialized subjectstark spezialisiertes Fach {n}
specialized commercial bankSpezialbank {f}
dent. specialized dentist for ... [e.g. orthodontia]Fachzahnarzt {m} für ... [Gebietsbezeichnung, z. B. Orthodontie]
4 Words: Nouns
specialized range of productsFachsortiment {n}
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A 2018-10-12: Disambiguation is needed, when terms are used in specialized senses not im...
A 2015-03-09: a carter specialized in transportation of merchandise
A 2014-11-28: Beamtendeutsch - German officials specialized language
A 2014-10-27: special / specialized business administration (course)
A 2013-10-25: specialized clusters
A 2013-02-06: Fachhandel = specialized retail trade
Q 2011-09-11: technical picture dictionary offers specialized topics
A 2011-07-28: specialized / specialised services
A 2011-04-17: Specialized
A 2011-01-08: Caravan can also be a single specialized vehicle
A 2010-10-16: Also, specialized class for doctor's assistants?
A 2010-09-08: experts for specialized fields
Q 2010-09-08: List of experts for specialized fields
Q 2010-07-28: specialized nutrition or herbal store
A 2010-02-05: or +specialized training course+
A 2010-01-04: Agree with Joanne: specialist / specialized museum
A 2009-08-10: LINX (specialized sources)
A 2009-07-02: Okay, HAS specialized
A 2009-07-02: "has specialized in meeting"
A 2009-05-25: green (specialized) trade ... ?

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