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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: speculate for own account
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Dictionary English German: speculate for own account

Translation 1 - 50 of 13120  >>

Keywords contained
to speculate for own accountauf eigene Rechnung spekulieren
Partial Matches
for own account {adv}auf eigene Rechnung
to trade for own accountauf eigene Rechnung handeln
premium for own accountPrämie {f} für eigene Rechnung
trading for own accountHandel {m} auf eigene Rechnung
for one's own accountauf eigene Rechnung
stocks dealings {pl} for one's own accountProperhandel {m}
insur. insurance for one's own accountEigenversicherung {f}
to purchase for / on one's own accountauf eigene Rechnung kaufen
ind. transp. transport for own account [for company purposes only]Werkverkehr {m} [Transport für eigene Zwecke]
stocks to speculate for a fallauf Baisse spekulieren
stocks to speculate for a riseauf Hausse spekulieren
by his own account {adv}nach seinen eigenen Angaben
on your own account {adv}auf Ihr / dein / euer eigenes Konto
goods on own accountEigenleistung {f}
by one's own account {adv}nach eigenen Angaben
on one's own account {adv}auf eigene Kosten
on one's own account {adv}auf eigene Rechnung
idiom by his / her own account {adv}nach eigenem Bekunden
on one's own account {adv} [idiom]von allein
to act on one's own accountauf eigene Rechnung tätig sein
on one's own (account) {adv} [alone, unaided]von selbst [Person]
at one's own account and risk {adv}auf eigene Rechnung und Gefahr
on one's own account {adv} [idiom] [alone, unaided]auf eigene Faust [Redewendung]
idiom on one's own account {adv} [for one's own purposes, for oneself]in eigener Sache
for own use {adv}für den Eigengebrauch
law for one's own {adv}pro domo [lat.] [in eigener Sache]
for his own benefitzu seinem eigenen Nutzen
for his own safetyzu seiner eigenen Sicherheit
for their own sake {adv}um ihrer selbst willen [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
for your own good {adv}in Ihrem eigenen Interesse
for your own goodzu deinem (eigenen) Besten
for your own sakedir selbst zuliebe
for your own usezu Ihrer persönlichen Verwendung
for its own sake {adv} [idiom]um der Sache willen [Redewendung]
for its own sake {adv} [idiom]um seiner / ihrer selbst willen
for my own part [idiom]was mich anbelangt
for one's own end {adv}zum eigenen Nutzen
for one's own protection {adv}zu seinem eigenen Schutz
for reasons of his own {adv}aus nur ihm selbst bekannten Gründen
for one's (own) personal usefür den Eigenbedarf
That was for your own good.Das war nur zu deinem Besten.
to act for one's own interestim eigenen Interesse handeln
fin. to account forabrechnen [Spesen]
to account forerfassen
Unverified to account forjdn./etw. berücksichtigen
to account fornachweisen
to use others for one's own endssein Süppchen am Feuer anderer kochen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to use sb. for one's own purposesjdn. für seine eigenen Zwecke benutzen
to account for sb.für jdn. geradestehen
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