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English-German translation for: sperm
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Dictionary English German: sperm

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NOUN1   a sperm | sperm/sperms
NOUN2   sperm | -
SYNO   sperm | sperm cell | spermatozoan ... 
med. sperm- {prefix}
biol. sperm
Sperma {n}
biol. sperm
Samen {m}
biol. sperm [spermatozoon]
Spermie {f} [ugs. Singularform zu »Spermien«, dem Plural von »Spermium«]
2 Words: Nouns
demon sperm [also: demonic sperm]Dämonensperma {n} [auch: Dämonen-Sperma]
biol. med. VetMed. fresh spermFrischsperma {n}
med. VetMed. frozen spermGefriersperma {n}
salmon spermLachssperma {n}
biol. bot. sperm (cell)männliche Geschlechtszelle {f}
med. sperm allergySperma-Allergie {f} [auch: Spermaallergie]
med. sperm analysisSpermauntersuchung {f}
med. sperm bankSamenbank {f}
geogr. Sperm BluffSperm Bluff {n}
biol. sperm cellSamenzelle {f}
biol. sperm cellSpermazelle {f}
biol. sperm chromatinSpermienchromatin {n}
biol. sperm competitionSpermienkonkurrenz {f}
med. sperm countSpermienzahl {f}
zool. sperm countSpermienzählung {f}
med. zool. sperm count [number of spermatozoa]Spermienanzahl {f}
med. sperm densitySpermiendichte {f}
sperm donation [semen donation]Samenspende {f}
sperm donorSamenspender {m}
sperm donorSpermienspender {m}
Unverified sperm father [ending his fatherhood with the donation of sperm]Schattenvater {m} [Samenspender]
biol. sperm formationSpermienbildung {f}
biol. sperm functionSpermienfunktion {f}
biol. sperm headSpermienkopf {m}
biol. sperm metabolismSpermienstoffwechsel {m}
med. zool. sperm morphologySpermienmorphologie {f}
biol. sperm motilitySpermienbeweglichkeit {f}
biol. sperm motilitySpermienmotilität {f}
sperm oilSpermöl {n}
sperm oilWalratöl {n}
biol. sperm productionSamenproduktion {f}
biol. sperm productionSpermaproduktion {f}
biol. sperm productionSpermienproduktion {f}
med. VetMed. sperm qualitySpermienqualität {f}
biol. law MedTech. sperm smugglingSamenschmuggel {m} [Schmuggel von Sperma]
sperm stainSpermafleck {m}
biol. sperm storageSpermienspeicherung {f}
biol. sperm tailSpermienschwanz {m}
sperm theftSamenraub {m}
zool. sperm transferSpermatransfer {m}
biol. sperm transferSpermaübertragung {f}
zool. sperm transferSpermientransfer {m}
zool. sperm transferSpermienübertragung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
med. intracytoplasmic sperm injection <IC SI, ICSI>intracytoplasmatische Spermainjektion {f} <IC SI, ICSI>
med. intracytoplasmic sperm injection <IC SI, ICSI>intracytoplasmatische Spermieninjektion {f} <IC SI, ICSI>
med. intracytoplasmic sperm injection <IC SI, ICSI>intrazytoplasmatische Spermainjektion {f} <IC SI, ICSI>
med. intracytoplasmic sperm injection <ICSI>intrazytoplasmatische Spermieninjektion {f} <ICSI>
zool. mother sperm whalePottwalmutter {f} [auch: Pottwal-Mutter]
biol. med. sperm penetration assay <SPA>Spermienpenetrationsassay {m} <SPA>
zool. sperm whale bullPottwalbulle {m}
zool. sperm whale calfPottwalkalb {n} [auch: Pottwal-Kalb]
zool. sperm whale cowPottwalkuh {f} [auch: Pottwal-Kuh]
zool. sperm whale motherPottwalmutter {f} [auch: Pottwal-Mutter]
zool. sperm whale pairPottwalpärchen {n}
ecol. zool. sperm whale populationPottwalpopulation {f} [auch: Pottwal-Population]
ecol. zool. sperm whale populationsPottwalbestände {pl} [auch: Pottwal-Bestände]
zool. sperm whale skeletonPottwalskelett {n} [auch: Pottwal-Skelett]
zool. sperm whale skullPottwalschädel {m} [auch: Pottwal-Schädel]
med. testicular sperm extraction <TESE>testikuläre Spermienextraktion {f} <TESE>
med. total sperm countGesamtspermienzahl {f}
traces of spermSpermaspuren {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
med. microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration <MESA>mikrochirurgische epididymale Spermaaspiration {f} <MESA> [selten]
med. microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration <MESA>mikrochirurgische epididymale Spermienaspiration {f} <MESA>
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
Pottwal {m}
zool. T
Pottwale {pl}
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Q 2015-08-06: "lucky sperm club"
A 2009-02-23: "sperm donor" is what I also heard, but what I'd translate as "Erzeuger" o...
A 2009-02-23: And if there is really no contact with the biological father, I've heard h...
A 2009-01-20: reduced production and viability of sperm
A 2009-01-20: functional ability of sperm
A 2007-01-12: in that case it could be a Finnish man with a low sperm count

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