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English-German translation for: spinning top
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Dictionary English German: spinning top

Translation 1 - 50 of 1298  >>

NOUN   a spinning top | spinning tops
SYNO   spinning top | teetotum | top ... 
toys spinning topKreisel {m}
Keywords contained
toys spinning top with whip [whip used to spin the top]Peitschenkreisel {m}
Partial Matches
spinning {adj}drehend
spinning {adj}spinnend
spinningDurchdrehen {n}
textil. zool. T
Spinnen {n}
spinningSpinnerei {f}
sports Spinning®Indoorcycling {n} [Radfahren im Fitnessstudio]
sports Spinning®Spinning® {n}
tech. non-spinning {adj}drallfrei
spinning roundumspinnend
cloth. cotton spinningBaumwollspinnen {n}
textil. cotton spinningBaumwollspinnerei {f} [Verfahren]
textil. draft spinningZugspinnen {n}
hand spinningSpinnen {n} von Hand
pen spinningPenspinning {n}
pen spinningStiftdrehen {n} [Penspinning]
plate spinningTellerjonglage {f}
tech. textil. pot spinningZentrifugenspinnen {n}
silk spinningSeidenspinnerei {f} [Verfahren]
dent. tech. spinning actionSchleudervorgang {m}
hist. spinning beeSpinnstube {f}
textil. spinning companySpinnerei {f}
tech. spinning conditionsSchleuderbedingungen {pl}
phys. spinning electronKreiselelektron {n}
ind. spinning factorySpinnerei {f}
textil. spinning frameSpinnmaschine {f}
spinning framesSpinnmaschinen {pl}
textil. spinning lubricantSchmälze {f}
fish spinning lureSpinnköder {m} [Fischen, Angelsport]
textil. spinning machineSpinnmaschine {f}
textil. spinning materialSpinngut {n}
ind. textil. spinning millSpinnerei {f}
textil. spinning oilSchmälze {f}
chem. spinning oilSchmälzmittel {n}
textil. spinning oilSchmälzöl {n}
spinning processSpinnprozess {m}
textil. spinning processSpinnvorgang {m}
fish spinning reelSpinnrolle {f}
fish spinning reelStationärrolle {f}
fish spinning rodSpinnrute {f}
hist. spinning roomRockenstube {f} [veraltet]
hist. spinning roomSpinnstube {f}
tech. spinning systemSpinnsystem {n}
spinning threadSpinnfaden {m}
spinning wheelSpinnrad {n}
automot. spinning wheelsdurchdrehende Räder {pl}
spinning wheelsSpinnräder {pl}
vortex spinningLuftdüsenspinnen {n}
tech. wrap spinningUmspinnung {f}
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A 2007-08-13: einfach "spinning top" http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&q=%22spinni...
Q 2007-07-02: a spinning top game
A 2006-11-08: IMHO not every spinning top is a humming top :-)
Q 2006-11-08: description of a spinning top toy...

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