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English-German translation for: spitting image
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Dictionary English German: spitting image

Translation 1 - 50 of 935  >>

spitting imagegroße Ähnlichkeit {f}
spitting image [coll.]Ebenbild {n}
Keywords contained
to be the spitting image of sb.jdm. zum Verwechseln ähnlich sehen
to be the spitting image of sb. [idiom]jdm. wie aus dem Gesicht geschnitten sein [Redewendung]
He's the spitting image of his father.Er ist seinem Vater wie aus dem Gesicht geschnitten.
The twins are the spitting image of each other.Die Zwillinge gleichen sich aufs Haar.
Partial Matches
photo. high dynamic range image <HDRI, HDR image>Hochkontrastbild {n}
med. three-dimensional ultrasonic image <3D ultrasonic image>3D-Ultraschallbild {n}
spitting {adj} {pres-p}speiend
spitting {adj} {pres-p}spuckend
spittingSpeien {n}
spittingSpucken {n}
fire-spitting {adj}feuerspeiend
spitting at {adj}anspeiend
spitting mad {adj}stinksauer [ugs.]
spitting outausspuckend
spitting (out)Ausspucken {n}
spitting bowlSpuckschüssel {f} [Spucknapf]
spitting catfauchende Katze {f}
spitting firesprühendes Feuer {n}
spitting penklecksende Feder {f}
med. spitting stoolspritzender Stuhl {m}
spitting {adj} {pres-p} [hissing angrily]fauchend [wütend]
meteo. spitting [fig.] [rain]Getröpfel {n} [ugs.] [Regen]
spitting up [Am.]Bäuern {n} [Aufstoßen beim Baby]
meteo. It is spitting.Es tröpfelt.
sports cherry pit spittingKirschkernweitspucken {n}
med. spitting of bloodBlutspucken {n}
med. spitting of pusEiterspucken {n}
No spitting! [warning sign]Spucken verboten! [seltenes Verbotsschild in D, A, CH]
to be spitting with ragevor Wut geifern [pej.]
zool. T
fish T
fish T
zool. T
zool. T
(common) spitting spider [Scytodes thoracica]Leimschleuderspinne {f}
meteo. It is spitting (with rain).Es sprüht.
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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A 2006-06-28: She is a chip off the old block / a spitting image of her father / rather ...
A 2006-06-22: your spitting image instead of your lookalike will do more nicely!

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