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English-German translation for: sports equipment
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Dictionary English German: sports equipment

Translation 1 - 50 of 1044  >>

NOUN   sports equipment | -
sports sports equipmentSportausrüstung {f}
sports sports equipment {sg}Sportgeräte {pl}
Keywords contained
comm. ind. sports manufacturer of sports equipmentSportartikelhersteller {m}
comm. ind. sports manufacturer of sports equipmentSporthersteller {m}
sports piece of sports equipmentSportgerät {n}
Partial Matches
sports electronic sports <e-sports>E-Sport {m}
sports sportsSportarten {pl}
sports sports {pl}Sport {m}
acad. sports sports scientific {adj}sportwissenschaftlich
sports-mad {adj}sportbegeistert
sports sports-minded {adj}sportlich [sportaffin, sportbegeistert]
educ. sports sports-pedagogical {adj}sportpädagogisch
sports to do sportssichAkk. sportlich betätigen
sports to do sportssichAkk. sportlich ertüchtigen [selten für: sich sportlich betätigen]
sports to do sportsSport betreiben
sports to do sportsSport treiben
sports to do sportssporteln [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.]
sports (sports) facilitySportstätte {f}
sports (sports) venueSportstätte {f}
sports adventure sportsAbenteuersportarten {pl}
sports alpine sportsAlpinsportarten {pl}
climbing sports alpine sports {pl}Bergsport {m}
sports aquatic sports {pl}Wassersport {m}
sports athletic sports {pl}Kraftsport {m}
sports athletic sports {pl}Leichtathletik {f}
sports ball sports {pl}Ballsport {m}
sports ball sports {pl}Ballsportarten {pl}
sports beach sports {pl}Strandsport {m}
sports blood sports[Jagdsport, Hahnenkampf etc.]
sports club sports {pl}Vereinssport {m}
educ. sports collegiate sports {pl}Hochschulsport {m}
sports combat sportsKampfsportarten {pl}
sports competitive sportsWettkampfsportarten {pl}
sports competitive sports {pl}Leistungssport {m}
sports competitive sports {pl}Wettkampfsport {m}
sports court sportsRückschlagsportspiele {pl}
agr. bot. hort. cultivated sportsangebaute Knospenmutationen {pl}
sports disabled sports {pl}Behindertensport {m}
sports elite sports {pl}Spitzensport {m}
sports endurance sportsAusdauersportarten {pl}
sports endurance sports {pl}Ausdauersport {m}
equest. equestrian sportsReitsportarten {pl}
equest. equestrian sports {pl}Pferdesport {m}
equest. equestrian sports {pl}Reitsport {m}
sports extreme sportsExtremsportarten {pl}
sports field sports {pl}Rasensport {m}
sports indoor sports {pl}Hallensport {m}
sports leisure sports {pl}Freizeitsport {m}
sports luge sports {pl}Rodelsport {m}
sports mass sports {pl}Breitensport {m}
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