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English-German translation for: springs
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Dictionary English German: springs

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
NOUN   a spring | springs
VERB  to spring | sprang | sprung
springing | springs
sb./sth. springs
jd./etw. springt
tech. springs
Federn {pl}
hydro. springs
Quellen {pl}
hydro. naut. springs [spring tides]
Springfluten {pl}
hydro. naut. springs [spring tides]
Springtiden {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
tech. coil springsSpiralfedern {pl}
tech. coil springsSprungfedern {pl}
geol. hydro. hot springsheiße Quellen {pl}
med. hot springs {pl}Thermalbad {n}
geol. hydro. hot springs {pl}Thermalquelle {f} [Unicode: U+2668 (9832)]
tech. leaf springsBlattfedern {pl}
performance springs {pl}Sportfedersatz {m}
tech. spiral springsSpiralfedern {pl}
tech. steel springsStahlfedern {pl}
tech. tension springsSpannfedern {pl}
hydro. thermal springsThermalquellen {pl}
3 Words: Others
proverb Hope springs eternal.Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt.
rich with springs {adj}quellenreich
3 Words: Nouns
relig. cult of springsQuellenkult {m}
geol. hydro. hot mineral springsheiße Mineralquellen {pl}
med. travel hot springs resortThermalbad {n} [mit heißen Quellen]
geogr. Hot Springs State [nickname] [Arkansas]Arkansas {n} [USA]
geol. hydro. typology of springsQuelltypologie {f}
bot. ecol. vegetation {sg} of springsQuellfluren {pl} [Biotoptyp, Geobotanik]
4 Words: Nouns
hydro. mean high water springs <MHWS>mittleres Springhochwasser {n} <MSpHW>
5+ Words: Others
tech. ... until the chain link springs open.... bis das Kettenglied aufspringt.
lit. proverb quote Hope springs eternal in the human breast. [Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man]Die Hoffnung währet ewiglich. [Freie Übersetzung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Hope Springs [David Frankel]Wie beim ersten Mal
lit. F Hope Springs Eternal: Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption [Stephen King]Frühlingserwachen: Pin-up
film F Palm Springs Weekend [Norman Taurog]Im Paradies ist der Teufel los
lit. F Poodle Springs [Raymond Chandler, Robert B. Parker]Einsame Klasse
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
bot. T
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A 2017-06-02: http://www.mech4study.com/2015/09/types-of-suspension-springs-parts.html
A 2016-01-31: sprigs (not springs) - (kleine) Zweige, Zweiglein
Q 2016-01-31: fennel herb springs
A 2015-05-20: "Schleichwege fahren" springs to mind
A 2014-11-19: http://www.dict.cc/?s=einf%C3%A4deln springs to mind ....
A 2014-09-23: 02:19 - also from Colorado Springs, CO, US of A
A 2014-09-23: BTW, 03:26 comes from Visby / Gotland; 02:20 from Colorado Springs, CO ...
A 2014-05-30: The only paraphrasing of the German that springs to my mind reads: Dieser ...
Q 2013-05-31: Übersetzung von Technik-Text (Abgabe Freitag 9 Uhr) - "floating bushing sp...
A 2013-03-04: +Work your fingers to the bone+ springs to mind.
A 2012-05-18: maybe: one coil springs into a tangle
A 2012-04-10: Something with "enraptured" also springs to mind.
A 2012-02-23: "Pfosten" springs to mind. Datz, Depp, Dödel, Klein-Doofi...
A 2012-02-08: See #640826 - definitely not springs :-)
A 2010-11-18: "shopping frenzy" springs to mind, but may be a bit too strong.
Q 2010-11-05: springs, anyone?
A 2010-10-10: "eine geradezu hymnische Kritik" springs to mind, if it's a theatre or boo...
A 2010-10-07: Copy springs to mind, but google seems to show that that means something s...
A 2010-07-15: Schönheitsfehler springs to mind
Q 2010-07-01: captured springs (die letzte Frage an die Techniker)

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