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English-German translation for: squad
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Dictionary English German: squad

Translation 1 - 50 of 124  >>

English German
NOUN   a squad | squads
SYNO   police squad | squad | squad | team
Gruppe {f} [Trupp, Kommando, Kommission etc.]
Trupp {m}
sports squad
Team {n}
sports squad
Kader {m} [bes. schweiz.: {n}]
sports squad
Aufgebot {n}
Dezernat {n}
Riege {f}
sports squad
Mannschaft {f} [inkl. Ergänzungsspieler]
sports squad [cycling]
Rennstall {m}
sports squad
Turnriege {f}
sports squad
Spielerkader {m} [bes. schweiz.: {n}]
2 Words: Others
mil. Squad halt!Abteilung halt!
2 Words: Nouns
arresting squadVerhaftungsteam {n}
awkward squadverlorene Rotte {f}
bomb squadBombenentschärfungskommando {n}
bomb squadEntschärfungskommando {n}
bomb squad [short for bomb disposal squad]Kampfmittelräumkommando {n}
canine squadHundestaffel {f}
sports cheerleading squadCheerleading-Team {n}
cleaning squadPutzkolonne {f}
mil. combat squadKampftrupp {m}
death squadErschießungskommando {n}
death squadTodeskommando {n}
death squadTodesschwadron {f}
sports decimated squaddezimierter Kader {m} [bes. schweiz.: dezimiertes Kader {n}]
decontamination squadEntgiftungstrupp {m}
decontamination squadEntseuchungstrupp {m}
demolition squadAbbruchkolonne {f}
demolition squadAbrisskommando {n}
mil. demolition squadSprengkommando {n}
demolition squadSprengtrupp {m}
admin. detective squad [Am.]Kriminalpolizei {f} <KP>
dirty squad [coll.]Truppe {f} fürs Grobe [ugs.]
drugs drug squad [Br.]Drogendezernat {n}
drugs drug squad [Br.]Drogenfahndung {f} [Abteilung]
drugs drug squad [Br.]Rauschgiftdezernat {n}
drugs drug squad [Br.]Rauschgiftfahndung {f} [Abteilung]
drugs drugs squad [Br.]Drogendezernat {n}
drugs drugs squad [Br.]Drogenfahndung {f} [Abteilung]
drugs drugs squad [Br.]Rauschgiftdezernat {n}
drugs drugs squad [Br.]Rauschgiftfahndung {f} [Abteilung]
mil. execution squadHinrichtungskommando {n}
mil. firing squadErschießungskommando {n}
hist. mil. firing squadErschießungspeloton {n}
mil. firing squadExekutionskommando {n}
sports first squaderste Mannschaft {f}
flying squadSondereinsatzgruppe {f}
flying squadÜberfallkommando {n}
fraud squad [chiefly Br.] [police]Betrugsdezernat {n}
goon squad [coll.]Gorillas {pl} [ugs.] [Schlägertrupp]
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A 2020-01-06: squat (NOT squad !)
A 2020-01-05: Squad not squat
A 2018-09-26: No +falling in+ anymore, cf. 1.3.0 Squad Drill
A 2018-04-08: KaderstaTus ... > thereby proving his mettle as a member of the squad / as...
A 2017-12-28: Ever since I had slipped away from a squad car as a boy by entering a one-...
Q 2013-03-04: Scout team (practice team, taxi squad) in basketball / American football
A 2010-09-01: Helmut Schoen builds up his squad for world cup 1974
Q 2010-08-31: Helmut Schoen builds up his squad for world cup 1974
Q 2009-06-11: anti riot squad
A 2008-10-03: England prepare their squad for qual for world cup 1986 Mexico
Q 2008-10-03: England prepare their squad for qual for world cup 1986 Mexico
A 2008-09-25: GDR have problems in squad prior to return match with France.
Q 2008-09-24: GDR have problems in squad prior to return match with France.
A 2008-09-24: GDR have problems in squad prior to return match with France.
Q 2008-09-24: GDR have problems in squad prior to return match with France.
A 2008-03-12: one might also say "special squad"
A 2008-01-12: http://www.google.at/search?hl=de&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozil...
A 2007-08-18: team, squad
A 2007-08-17: junior football squad
A 2007-08-02: standards of the whole squad

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