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English-German translation for: squash
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Dictionary English German: squash

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NOUN1   a squash | squashes
NOUN2   a squash [plant] | squash/squashes
NOUN3   a squash [crush, squeeze] | -
NOUN4   squash [drink, sport] | -
VERB  to squash | squashed | squashed ... 
SYNO   squash | squash rackets ... 
NOUN   das Squash | -
to squash
to squash
to squash sth.
etw. ausdrücken [auspressen]
to squash sth. [crush, pulp]
etw.Akk. zerdrücken [zu Brei]
to squash sth.
etw.Akk. zermalmen [zerdrücken. auslöschen]
to squash
to squash sth.
etw.Akk. zerknietschen [regional] [zerdrücken, ausquetschen]
to squash sth.
etw.Akk. knietschen [regional] [zerdrücken, ausquetschen]
to squashsich quetschen
to squash sth.etw.Akk. zerdätschen [süddt.] [ugs.] [zerdrücken]
bot. T
gastr. squash
Fruchtsaftgetränk {n}
sports squash
Squash {n}
Gedränge {n}
gastr. squash
Fruchtsaftkonzentrat {n}
bot. gastr. T
Kürbis {m}
bot. T
2 Words: Verbs
to squash insich hineinquetschen
to squash lemonsZitronen ausquetschen
to squash orangesOrangen ausquetschen [seltener neben: ... auspressen]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. button squash [Aus., Am.: pattypan squash]Patisson {m} [Ufo-Kürbis]
gastr. lemon squashfrischer Zitronensaft {m}
agr. bot. gastr. muscat squash [Cucurbita moschata]Muskatkürbis {m} [auch: Muskat-Kürbis]
gastr. orange squash [Br.]Orangeade {f} [aus Konzentrat, Sirup]
gastr. pattypan squashUfo {n} [Patisson]
sports squash ballSquashball {m}
sports squash courtSquashcourt {m}
sports squash courtSquashfeld {n}
sports squash playerSquasher {m}
sports squash playerSquash-Spieler {m}
sports squash racketSquashschläger {m}
cloth. sports squash shoeSquash-Schuh {m}
cloth. squash-hatSchlapphut {m}
bot. summer squashSommerkürbis {m}
bot. gastr. summer squashZucchini {f} [österr. ugs. auch {m}]
bot. winter squashWinterkürbis {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to squash oneself into sth.sich in etw. hineinzwängen
4 Words: Verbs
to squash into a carsich in ein Auto quetschen
to squash sth. like a bugetw. wie eine Wanze zerquetschen
4 Words: Nouns
mil. weapons high explosive squash head <HESH>Quetschkopf {m}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
entom. T
bot. T
bot. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
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A 2016-02-08: There are lots of different kinds of squash, and they are all a bit different.
A 2016-02-08: I agree that pumpkin is a name for a type (or types) of squash,
Q 2016-02-08: yam, pumpkin or squash
A 2015-09-24: Squash is a type of small pumpkin.
A 2013-10-16: If the baby has just spat squash up his nose, I would assume he is inhaling it.
A 2012-08-02: Squash, as a drink not a vegetable, should have a BE tag,
A 2012-08-02: To squash a lemon isn't to squeeze it.
A 2012-07-25: Squash them
A 2011-10-07: 'Fives',Br. Spiel, aehnelt squash im Freien, und so auch der Hof.
A 2011-03-31: squash ...?
Q 2010-11-16: dumbing down/sanitizing/to squash the myth
A 2008-04-14: @ Edda - Rackets are also used for squash and badminton, not just tennis :-))
A 2005-12-28: prickly vined squash

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