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English-German translation for: staple
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Dictionary English German: staple

Translation 1 - 71 of 71

English German
NOUN   a staple | staples
VERB  to staple | stapled | stapled ... 
SYNO   staple | staple fiber | staple fibre ... 
staple {adj} [attr.] [basic]
Grund- [z. B. Nahrungsmittel]
staple {adj} [attr.] [main]
to staple [with a tacker]
tackern [ugs.]
to staple sth.
etw.Akk. klammern [heften / Wunde klammern]
med. to stapleKlammern setzen [klammern]
Grundnahrungsmittel {n}
material staple [basic material]
Ausgangsmaterial {n}
staple [for paper]
Klammer {f} [Heftklammer]
staple [for paper]
Heftklammer {f}
agr. econ. ind. staple [main product]
Haupterzeugnis {n}
comm. staple
Hauptware {f}
gastr. staple
Hauptnahrung {f}
comm. staple
Stapelware {f}
staple [fastener]
Krampe {f}
hist. stapleNiederlege {f} [südd.]
hist. stapleStapelrecht {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to staple sth. (to sth.)etw. festtackern (an etw.) [ugs.]
to staple sth. (to)etw. antackern (an) [ugs.] [mit Heftklammern befestigen]
to staple sth. togetheretw.Akk. verklammern
to staple sth. togetheretw.Akk. zusammentackern
to staple sth. together [paper]etw.Akk. zusammenheften
2 Words: Nouns
(dietary) stapleHauptnahrungsmittel {n}
med. MedTech. (surgical) stapleWundklammer {f}
med. (surgical) staple(chirurgische) Klammer {f}
comm. hist. spec. compulsory stapleStapelzwang {m}
rayon stapleZellwolle {f}
staple articleMassenprodukt {n}
comm. staple articlesMassenartikel {pl}
staple commoditiesStapelgut {n}
agr. staple crop [cereal]Hauptgetreide {n}
gastr. staple dietGrundnahrung {f}
gastr. staple dietHauptnahrung {f}
FoodInd. gastr. staple dietHauptnahrungsmittel {n}
FoodInd. gastr. staple drinkVolksgetränk {n} [ugs.]
chem. textil. staple fibre [Br.]Stapelfaser {f}
ind. staple fibres [Br.]Stapelfasern {pl}
FoodInd. staple foodGrundnahrungsmittel {n}
staple foodHauptnahrung {f}
staple foodHauptnahrungsmittel {n}
comm. staple goods {pl}Massenware {f}
comm. staple goods {pl}Stapelware {f}
comm. staple goods {pl}gängige Ware {f}
tools staple gunKlammeraffe {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Heftapparat, Klammergerät]
tools staple gunKlammergerät {n}
staple gunTacker {m} [Klammerpistole, Klammernagler]
textil. staple lengthStapellänge {f}
med. staple line [stapled wound closure]Wundverschluss {m} [mit Klammern]
comm. staple marketStapelplatz {m}
hist. staple placeStadt {f} mit Stapelrecht
staple productsGrundnahrungsmittel {pl}
tools staple puller [to remove staples from paper]Enthefter {m} [Heftklammernentferner]
tools staple puller [to remove staples from paper]Heftklammernentferner {m}
tools staple puller [to remove staples from paper]Heftklammern-Enthefter {m}
staple removerEnthefter {m}
staple removerEntklammerer {m}
staple removerEnttackerer {m}
staple removerHeftklammerentferner {m}
tools staple removerSchwiegermutter {f} [ugs.] [Klammerentferner]
comm. hist. law staple rightStapelrecht {n}
hist. staple townStadt {f} mit Stapelrecht
hist. staple-houseNiederleghaus {n} [südd.]
hist. staple-houseStapelhof {m}
steel stapleStahlklammer {f} [zum Heften]
3 Words: Verbs
to be a stapleeine feste Größe sein
3 Words: Nouns
a staple commodityStapelware {f}
textil. long-staple cottonlangstapelige Baumwolle {f}
MedTech. medical staple removerKlammerentferner {m}
textil. medium-staple cottonmittelstapelige Baumwolle {f}
textil. short-staple cottonkurzstapelige Baumwolle {f}
staple remover pincers {pl}Enthefterzange {f} [Klammerentfernerzange]
4 Words: Verbs
to re-order staple goodsStapelware nachbestellen
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Q 2015-02-27: staple diet
A 2014-04-25: I'd still go with the staple gun type
Q 2014-01-31: staple fare
A 2014-01-27: Also: staple foods
A 2013-12-21: staple line ist ok
Q 2013-12-21: Klammernahtreihe - staple lines? Medical context
A 2013-08-21: OK, but that holds for 'staple titles' only: e.g. A Midsummer Night's Dre...
A 2013-06-13: Staple with this meaning - http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/englis...
A 2011-08-08: staple
A 2011-08-02: Staple hoch, bis du oben bist. / Gib an, bis du's nicht mehr nötig hast.
A 2011-07-21: staple wie in staple food : ein *gängiger* (Betand-)Teil
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Q 2011-07-21: staple?
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A 2010-10-18: If such texts were the staple of translation, nobody but loony bin inmates...
Q 2009-07-01: Staple of American folklore: How Do Politicians Survive Sex Scandals?
Q 2009-03-12: staple diet
Q 2008-12-12: staple food
A 2008-11-18: staple = antackern, mit einer Heftklammer befestigen. tack: mit einer Reis...
Q 2008-11-18: Staple vs. tack (medical)

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