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English-German translation for: state-of-the-art encryption
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state-of-the-art encryption in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: state of the art encryption

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state of the artState of the Art {m}
state-of-the-art {adj}hochmodern
state-of-the-art {adj}modernst
state-of-the-art {adj}supermodern [ugs.]
state-of-the-art {adj}topmodern [ugs.]
state-of-the-art technologySpitzentechnologie {f}
The state-of-the-art electronics technology yields ...Die heutige moderne Elektronik bietet ...
state of the artStand {m} der Technik
tech. state-of-the-art equipmenthochmoderne Ausrüstung {f}
state-of-the-art technologyhochmoderne Technologie {f}
tech. state-of-the-art technologyneueste Technik {f}
state of the artneuester Stand {m} der Technik
state of the artneuster Stand {m} der Technik
customary according to state of the art {adj}fachüblich
state-of-the-art technologyneueste / modernste Technologie {f}
state-of-the-art {adj}dem Stand der Technik entsprechend
acad. engin. tech. latest state of the artletzter Stand {m} der Forschung
tech. state-of-the-art test equipment {sg}modernste Prüfanlagen {pl}
state-of-the-art {adj}auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik
film F Kickboxer 3: The Art of War [Rick King]Karate Tiger 6 – Entscheidung in Rio / Kickboxer 3 – The Art of War
QM stat. error of the first kind [type I error]Fehler {m} erster Art <Fehler 1. Art>
QM stat. error of the second kind [type II error]Fehler {m} zweiter Art <Fehler 2. Art>
admin. State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council <SASAC> [China]Kommission {f} des Staatsrats für Kontrolle und Verwaltung des Staatsvermögens
lit. F Everville: The Second Book of "The Art" [Clive Barker]Stadt des Bösen
lit. F The Great and Secret Show: The First Book of "The Art" [Clive Barker]Jenseits des Bösen
hist. head-of-state council of the GDRStaatsrat {m}
in the manner ofnach Art von
in the style ofnach Art von
nature of the businessArt {f} des Geschäfts
nature of the goodsArt {f} der Ware
type of (the) tortureArt {f} der Folter
connoisseur of the art of livingLebenskünstler {m}
art F The Art of Painting [Vermeer]Die Malkunst
something of the kind {pron}etwas in der Art
the art of pleasingdie Kunst {f} zu gefallen
electr. electrode of the first typeElektrode {f} erster Art
electr. electrode of the second typeElektrode {f} zweiter Art
type of the deposited securitiesArt {f} der Wertpapiere
art geogr. travel Venice, the city of artdie Kunststadt {f} Venedig
art F The Art of Painting [Vermeer]Allegorie der Malerei
of the state {adj} [postpos.]staatlich
pol. critical of the state {adj}staatskritisch
pol. supportive of the state {adj}staatstragend
authority of the stateStaatsgewalt {f}
philos. pol. concept of the stateStaatsauffassung {f}
philos. pol. conception of the stateStaatsauffassung {f}
hist. pol. development of the stateStaatsentwicklung {f}
enemy of the stateStaatsfeind {m}
hist. pol. formation of the stateStaatsbildung {f}
founder of the stateStaatsgründer {m}
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Ähnliche Begriffe
State Court
Staten Island
State of the Art
State Supreme Court
Statik starrer Körper

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