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English-German translation for: status
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Dictionary English German: status

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NOUN   a status | statuses
SYNO   condition | status | position
NOUN   der Status [kurzes »u«] | die Status [langes »u«]
SYNO   Position | Status | Befindlichkeit ... 
jobs to unfrock sb. [fig.] [to deprive sb. of professional status or membership of a prestigious group]jdn. seines Status berauben [geh.]
Zustand {m}
Status {m}
sociol. status
Stand {m}
Stellenwert {m}
sociol. status
Stellung {f}
Ansehen {n}
Status {m}
sociol. rank
Status {m}
status [at a particular time]
Lage {f} [Zustand]
Status {pl}
sociol. status(sozialer) Stand {m}
2 Words: Others
sociol. low status {adj}statusniedrig
status-conscious {adj}standesbewusst
2 Words: Nouns
Internet account statusKontostatus {m}
adult statusErwachsenenstatus {m}
law alien statusAusländerstatus {m}
sports amateur statusAmateurstatus {m}
econ. approval statusFreigabestand {m}
econ. QM tech. approval statusFreigabestatus {m}
autonomous statusAutonomiestatus {m}
electr. battery statusAkkustand {m}
electr. battery statusAkkustatus {m}
electr. battery statusAkkuzustand {m}
electr. battery statusBatteriestand {m} [Ladestand]
electr. battery statusBatteriestatus {m}
electr. battery statusBatteriezustand {m}
electr. battery status [status of charge]Akkuladestand {m}
comp. bug statusFehlerstatus {m}
comp. bug statusFehlerzustand {m}
celebrity statusPromistatus {m} [ugs.]
comp. econ. tech. change statusÄnderungsstand {m}
channel statusKanalzustand {m}
electr. charge status [battery]Ladestatus {m} [Batterie]
law citizenship statusStaatsbürgerstatus {m}
civil statusFamilienstand {m}
law civil statuszivilrechtlicher Status {m}
law civil status [regional] [detailed personal information including origin, citizenship, marriage, and family]Zivilstand {m} [schweiz.] [Personenstand]
med. VetMed. clinical statusklinischer Zustand {m}
med. coagulation statusGerinnungsstatus {m}
commodity status [commodity character]Warencharakter {m}
completion statusVollendungsstatus {m}
relig. spec. confessional status [status confessionis]Bekenntnisstand {m} [status confessionis]
configuration statusKonfigurationsstand {m}
conservation statusErhaltungszustand {m}
zool. conservation statusSchutzstatus {m}
pol. constitutional status [of rights, regulations]Verfassungsrang {m}
ling. construct state [Semitic]Status {m} constructus
jobs law contract statusVertragsstatus {m}
credit statusKreditwürdigkeit {f}
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A 2023-08-14: certificate of marital status
A 2023-08-14: single status certificate, proof of not being married, certificate of non-...
A 2020-10-31: Familienstand > marital / personal status
Q 2020-10-30: Family status
Q 2019-12-18: settled status
A 2019-05-24: The plural for (latin) status is statūs.
A 2019-05-24: Use status
Q 2019-05-24: Status, stati
A 2019-03-28: Laut meinem österreichischen Visum habe ich gegenwärtig den Status eines S...
A 2018-10-26: Scotch Beef has legal status
A 2018-03-30: Status quo
A 2017-08-24: awarded status of qualification
Q 2016-09-04: "status of severity"
A 2016-04-18: Die ersten beiden Worte (im Status constructus) bedeuten nicht "ATD" (was ...
A 2015-12-24: @ ddr: was haben denn Punkterl mit Deletes zu tun?? Wer dringend Punkterl ...
Q 2015-12-13: Komplizierter Kfz-Text mit Marketingelementen (Abgabe Mittwoch, 16.12.2015...
A 2015-10-27: Determines whether the walking floor, contrary to the recommended mode of ...
A 2015-08-31: Status
A 2015-08-30: Status cars
A 2015-07-31: perhaps: rise in status

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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