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English-German translation for: stealing
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Dictionary English German: stealing

Translation 1 - 23 of 23

English German
NOUN1   stealing | -
NOUN2   a stealing | stealings
VERB  to steal | stole | stolen
stealing | steals
SYNO   stealing | stealth | larceny ... 
stealing {adj} {pres-p}
stealing {adj} {pres-p}
Diebstahl {m}
Stehlen {n}
Entwendung {f} [Diebstahl]
2 Words
sleep-stealing {adj}schlafraubend
stealing away {pres-p}(sich) davonschleichend
stealing frombestehlend
to catch sb. stealingjdn. beim Klauen erwischen [ugs.]
to catch sb. stealingjdn. beim Stehlen erwischen
cattle stealingViehdiebstahl {m}
child stealingKinderraub {m}
page-stealingSeitenentzug {m}
3 Words
law charged with stealing {adj} [postpos.]des Diebstahls beschuldigt
to convict sb. of stealingjdn. des Diebstahls überführen
to go out stealingauf Diebestour / Diebeszug gehen
to resort to stealingsich aufs Stehlen verlegen
law stealing by finding [Br.] [Aus.]Fundunterschlagung {f}
4 Words
law mil. stealing from (one's ) comrades [delict in German Armed Forces]Kameradendiebstahl {m} [Straftatbestand in deutschen Streitkräften]
5+ Words
quote I'm a politician, which means I'm a cheater and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops. [The Hunt for Red October (film)]Ich bin Politiker, das heißt, ich bin ein Betrüger und Lügner, und wenn ich kleinen Kindern keine Küsschen gebe, klaue ich ihnen ihre Bonbons.
It's like stealing candy from a baby. [Am.] [idiom]Es ist ein Kinderspiel. [Redewendung] [Das ist keine Kunst.]
law mil. instigation of / inducing to stealing from (one's ) comrades [delict in German Armed Forces]Anstiftung / Verleitung {f} zum Kameradendiebstahl [Straftatbestand in deutschen Streitkräften]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F Out Stealing Horses [novel: Per Petterson, film: Hans Petter Moland]Pferde stehlen
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A 2012-08-16: stealing from Michael
A 2011-12-11: Shamefully stealing from wandle: The (s)elective heart...
A 2009-06-03: Hmm... "Dummheiten" in this case are stealing your fellow students' jacket...
A 2006-09-16: Thank you for stealing your precious time kalinka!! :)
A 2005-01-03: it's just a small step between lying and stealing.

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• stealing
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stealing by finding
stealing from
steal into
steal into sth.
steal off
steal out of a room
steal prey
steal sb. blind

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