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English-German translation for: steam
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Dictionary English German: steam

Translation 1 - 50 of 346  >>

English German
NOUN   steam | -
VERB  to steam | steamed | steamed ... 
SYNO   to steam | to steam clean | to steamer
to steam
gastr. to steam [vegetables, fish etc.]
gastr. to steam sth.
etw. dünsten
to steam [coll.]
schäumen [ugs.] [Wut haben]
to steam [give off steam]
dunsten [geh.] [dampfen]
to steam [clothes]
tech. steam
Wasserdampf {m}
steam [coll. also fig.]
Dampf {m} [ugs. auch fig.]
Wrasen {m} [nordd.]
steamBrodel {m} [regional]
steamWasen {m} [nordd.] [veraltet] [Dampf]
2 Words: Others
in steamunter Dampf
steam-distilled {adj} {past-p}dampfdestilliert
steam-dried {adj}dampfgetrocknet
tech. steam-driven {adj}dampfbetrieben
tech. steam-driven {adj}dampfgetrieben
rail steam-hauled {adj}dampflokbespannt
steam-heated {adj}dampfbeheizt
steam-heated {adj}dampferhitzt
tech. steam-powered {adj}dampfbetrieben
tech. steam-powered {adj}dampfgetrieben
tech. steam-powered {adj}mit Dampfkraft betrieben
steam-powered {adj} [fig.] [old-fashioned]vorsintflutlich [fig.] [altmodisch]
engin. tech. steam-propelled {adj}dampfgetrieben
steam-volatile {adj}wasserdampfflüchtig
steam-worked {adj} {past-p}dampfbetrieben
2 Words: Verbs
idiom to gain steam [fig.]Auftrieb erhalten [fig.]
to gain steam [fig.]an Fahrt gewinnen [fig.]
idiom to gather steam [fig.]Auftrieb erhalten [fig.]
to gather steam [fig.] [gain steam]an Fahrt gewinnen [fig.]
med. to inhale steamDampf inhalieren
to lose steam [fig.]an Fahrt verlieren [fig.] [ugs.]
to lose steam [fig.]an Kraft verlieren [fig.] [ugs.]
to lose steam [fig.]an Schwung verlieren [fig.] [ugs.]
to raise steamDampf erzeugen
to steam ahead [coll.] [project, work]gut vorankommen
to steam clean sth.etw. dampfreinigen
chem. gastr. to steam downeindampfen
textil. to steam ironmit Dampf bügeln
rail transp. to steam off [dated] [train] [leave]abdampfen [veraltend] [Zug] [abfahren]
to steam sb. up [coll.] [idiom] [cause to become excited]jdn. auf die Palme bringen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [jemanden aufregen]
to steam upbeschlagen [Glas, Fenster]
to steam-cleanmit Dampf reinigen
to steam-distill (sth.) [Am.](etw.) dampfdestillieren
2 Words: Nouns
textil. (steam) agerDämpfer {m}
mus. (steam) calliope [steam organ]Calliope {f} [Dampforgel]
(steam) digesterPapinscher Kochtopf {m} [alt]
(steam) sterilizerDampfsterilisator {m}
tech. dry steamTrockendampf {m}
tech. exhaust steamAbdampf {m}
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A 2020-07-30: working "under half steam" ?
A 2019-05-22: Yes, I thought the question was about the programme Steam too
Q 2019-05-22: steam launch
A 2016-06-23: steam
Q 2016-06-23: to hit the steam
Q 2014-08-21: steam work
A 2013-10-13: ? pool area (with sauna / hot-air bath / steam bath and infrared sauna / i...
Q 2013-08-20: a two still process to bath and steam the botanicals
A 2013-02-20: Most likely then: "steam-flaked corn."
A 2013-01-22: Steam's finest hour.
Q 2011-06-18: Orange Box Uncut Key|Orange Box Steam
A 2011-05-21: Lombard steam log hauler
Q 2011-01-26: steam powered air compressor / compressed air powered drill
A 2011-01-24: OK, then I will do it litterally... Dampfdetektoren (steam "snuffers")
A 2011-01-24: steam fire suppression system
A 2011-01-24: "steam snuffers" would make sense if they weren't intended to *prevent* ig...
A 2011-01-24: I think the steam 'snuffers' are steam fire extinguishers of some sort -
A 2011-01-24: Aber steam und smoke sind doch zwei paar Schuh'!
A 2011-01-23: gesättigter Dampf / Sattdampf > saturated steam (bitte zus. mit +Nassdampf...
Q 2011-01-23: Text über Brandgefahren - es wird immer doller, da geht gar nichts mehr: "...

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