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English-German translation for: steel
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Dictionary English German: steel

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NOUN1   steel | -
NOUN2   a steel | steels
SYNO   to nerve | to steel | blade | brand ... 
steel {adj}
steel {adj} [attr.]
to steel
material steel
Stahl {m}
2 Words: Others
all-steel {adj}Ganzstahl-
of steel {adj} [postpos.]stählern [Nerven]
steel armoured {adj} [Br.] [also: steel-armoured]stahlgepanzert
steel-armored {adj} [Am.]stahlgepanzert
steel-blue {adj}stahlblau
steel-clad {adj}gepanzert
steel-clad {adj}stahlgepanzert [stahlplattiert]
steel-cladded {adj}stahlgepanzert [stahlplattiert]
steel-encapsulated {adj}stahlgekapselt
steel-engraved {adj}in Stahl gestochen
steel-gray {adj} [Am.]stahlgrau
steel-grey {adj} [Br.]stahlgrau
steel-haired {adj}mit stahlgrauem Haar [nachgestellt]
steel-hearted {adj}hartherzig
tech. steel-reinforced {adj} <SR>stahlverstärkt
2 Words: Verbs
ind. to cast steelStahl gießen
ind. to pickle steelStahl beizen
ind. to produce steelStahl erzeugen
ind. material to quench steelStahl abschrecken
to steel oneselfsich stählen [wappnen]
to steel oneselfsich waffnen [fig.] [veraltet] [sich wappnen]
to steel oneselfseinen Mut stählen
2 Words: Nouns
tech. (steel) arborStahlhalter {m} [Drehmaschine]
(steel) bulbStahlbirne {f}
(steel) drum [container]Rollreifenfass {n} [Metallbehälter]
mus. (steel) panSteeldrum {f}
(steel) scourerTopfkratzer {m} [aus Edelstahl]
dance (steel) tapSteppeisen {n}
tech. abnormal steelsonderberuhigter Stahl {m}
tech. acid steelBessemerstahl {m}
tech. acid steelKonverterstahl {m}
tech. adhesive steelHaftstahl {m}
tech. alitized steelalitierter Stahl {m}
tech. alloy steelLegierungsstahl {m}
tech. alloy steelSonderstahl {m}
tech. alloy steelStahllegierung {f}
tech. alloy steellegierter Stahl {m}
tech. alloyed steellegierter Stahl {m}
tech. amagnetic steelamagnetischer Stahl {m}
tech. angle steelWinkeleisen {n}
tech. annealed steelnormalisierter Stahl {m}
tech. armor steel [Am.]Panzerstahl {m}
engin. material armour steel [Br.]Panzerstahl {m}
tech. austenite steelAustenitstahl {m}
tech. austenite steelAustenit-Stahl {m}
tech. austenitic steelAustenitstahl {m}
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A 2022-06-21: wurde als Buchtitel übersetzt als "(The) Storm of Steel"
A 2020-08-28: aluminised [Br.] / aluminized [Am.] steel
A 2020-04-21: Possibly a grey (the colour of steel) sky, depending on context.
Q 2020-04-21: Steel sky?
A 2019-02-15: Und Steeler schweigt beharrlich / *eisern!* *Steel, steeler Steelest*
A 2018-03-15: +steel wardrobe+ would be better understood; I do not think +almirah+ has ...
A 2016-09-04: momentous flow of poured molten steel
Q 2016-09-04: momentous flow of poured molten steel
A 2016-08-01: The corresponding industry term in the UK seems to be +reusable steel+
A 2015-06-16: pierless bridge / vacillating feet: +rocked in steel+ might mean +being sw...
A 2015-06-16: Googling "rocked in steel" returns only this poem.
A 2015-04-24: steel
Q 2015-04-09: Relevant Knowledge of Scaffolding Steel Pipe
Q 2015-03-30: Three-Quarter Steel
A 2015-03-27: New entry: http://www.dict.cc/?s=electric+steel
Q 2015-03-26: Elektrostahl - electric steel
A 2015-03-01: steel in Latin (and once more in ancient Greek)
A 2015-03-01: +steel+ in ancient Greek
A 2015-03-01: ... to fight a cruel war ... steel weapons
A 2014-11-10: stainless steel ashtray

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