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English-German translation for: stepped
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Dictionary English German: stepped

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
VERB  to step | stepped | stepped ... 
stepped {adj}
stepped {adj} {past-p}
stepped {adj} {past-p}
sb. stepped
jd. trat
stepped {past-p}
constr. stepped {adj}
stepped {adj}
2 Words: Others
sb. side steppedjd. wich aus
sb./sth. stepped outjd./etw. trat heraus
stepped forward {past-p}hervorgetreten
stepped out {past-p}ausgeschritten
stepped up {adj} {past-p} [increased]verschärft
2 Words: Nouns
stepped bonusgestufte Prämien {pl}
stepped buildingTerrassenhaus {n}
hist. spec. tech. stepped drumStaffelwalze {f}
archi. constr. stepped gableStaffelgiebel {m}
archi. constr. stepped gableTreppengiebel {m} [Staffelgiebel]
archi. constr. stepped gablesStufengiebel {pl}
stepped grommetSchulterdichtung {f}
phys. stepped leaderLeitblitz {m}
archi. stepped portalStufenportal {n}
archaeo. archi. hist. stepped pyramidStufenpyramide {f}
stepped reamerFormreibahle {f}
stepped reamerStufenreibahle {f}
stepped reckonerStaffelwalze {f}
RealEst. stepped rentStaffelmiete {f}
archaeo. stepped retouch [on stone tools]Stufenretusche {f} [an Steingeräten]
3 Words: Others
if sb. side steppedwenn jd. auswich
sb./sth. has / had steppedjd./etw. ist / war getreten
3 Words: Nouns
archi. crow-stepped gableStaffelgiebel {m}
archi. constr. crow-stepped gable [also: stepped gable]Katzentreppe {f} [Treppengiebel]
archi. constr. crow-stepped gable [also: stepped gable]Treppengiebel {m} [Staffelgiebel]
stepped cross barabgestufter Drehstift {m} [für Steckschlüssel]
stepped cross barStufen-Drehstift {m} [für Steckschlüssel]
tech. tools stepped drill bitStufenbohrer {m}
photo. stepped gray wedge [Am.]Stufengraukeil {m}
photo. stepped grey wedge [Br.]Stufengraukeil {m}
stepped tommy bar [Br.]abgestufter Drehstift {m} [für Steckschlüssel]
stepped tommy bar [Br.]Stufen-Drehstift {m} [für Steckschlüssel]
4 Words: Others
sb. has / had stepped outjd. ist / war herausgetreten
4 Words: Nouns
recessed and stepped studStiftschraube {f}, abgesetzt und abgestuft
5+ Words: Others
He stepped into the lion's den.Er begab sich in die Höhle des Löwen.
5+ Words: Nouns
RealEst. lease contract with stepped rentMietvertrag {m} mit Staffelmiete
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A 2023-07-15: three-stepped podium
A 2017-11-12: Perhaps she was out of doors and stepped into a turd ...
A 2017-07-19: oder: step in shit and you're steeped in shit / stepped in shit means stee...
A 2017-07-18: maybe: stepped in shit means stepped in shit
A 2015-10-19: Instead, the US occupation forces stepped / weighed in to foil an option ...
A 2013-03-27: Very clever: One of the first translations simply side-stepped the *weiß* ...
A 2009-08-10: Or else: The fed. gov. also allegedly stepped in
A 2008-12-04: he stepped onto the road just off the taxi stand
A 2008-10-19: trotzdem - stepped UP
A 2008-10-19: has been stepped - trat in Aktion ... / wurde aktiv ... etc.
A 2008-10-19: has been stepped - wurde erhöht ?
A 2008-07-23: stepped in for my boss in (lecture titles)
A 2006-10-21: Falsche Freunde: terraced houses > Reihenhäuser; Terrassenhäuser / Terrass...
A 2006-10-01: meinte natürlich meinen Post weiter unten: stepped, double margin drill
Q 2006-10-01: stepped, double margin drill
A 2005-10-24: She stepped into the spotlight once more.
A 2005-09-20: stepped building - the pics are similar to the ones Y. posted; certainly n...
A 2005-09-15: stepped hair
A 2005-03-09: Perhaps: Stepped rotary test?
A 2004-01-21: literally stretch-stepped, but context/sentence?

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