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English-German translation for: steps to make
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Dictionary English German: steps to make

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to plod [make one's way with heavy usually slow steps]zockeln [ugs.]
Partial Matches
math. in steps of ... {adv} [e.g. in steps of three / in steps of 3]in ...erschritten [z. B. in Dreierschritten]
cosmet. to contour (sth.) [make-up technique](etw.Akk.) konturieren [Make-up-Technik]
dragging {adj} {pres-p} [steps etc.]schleppend [schwerfällig]
ponderous {adj} [person, movement, steps]schwerfällig
sb. paces [steps]jd. durchschreitet
teetering {adj} [steps]staksig [ugs.] [Schritte]
to trip [walk with short steps]zeppeln [österr.] [veraltend]
dance bourrées {pl} [series of small steps]Pas {m} de bourrée
archi. riser [vertical board between steps on staircase]Setzstufe {f}
to hew sth. [e.g. steps]etw. hauen [in Stein]
to stride [walk with long steps]ausgreifen [ausgreifende Schritte machen]
to stride [walk with long steps]ausholen [ausgreifende Schritte machen]
to stride [walk with long steps]schreiten [ausgreifende Schritte machen]
to go down (sth.) [steps, ladder](etw.) hinuntersteigen [Stufen, Leiter]
to trip [walk/run/dance with quick light steps]tänzeln [trippeln]
cosmet. foundation [make-up]Grundierung {f} [Make-up]
math. by threes {adv} <by 3's, by 3s> [in steps of three / 3]in Dreierschritten
fin. pol. budgetary process [e.g. process steps to be followed in parliaments]Haushaltsverfahren {n} [z. B. Verfahrensablauf in Parlamenten]
to skip back and forth between sth. [e.g. individual steps]innerhalb / zwischen etw. hin- und herspringen [fig.] [z. B. innerhalb einzelner Handlungsschritte]
math. in threes {adv} <in 3's, in 3s> [in steps of three / 3]in Dreierschritten
FireResc med. primary survey [using the ABCDE mnemonic for the essential steps to be taken]Erstuntersuchung {f} [initiale Beurteilung; Notfall-Versorgung nach der ABCDE-Regel] [auch: Primary Survey {n}]
lit. quote Courage, my heart, take leave and fare thee well! [transl., from Hermann Hesse's poem "Steps"]Wohlan denn, Herz, nimm Abschied und gesunde! [aus "Stufen" von Hermann Hesse]
coarse {adj} [build, make]grobschlächtig
to announce [make known]verkünden
to announce [make public]bekanntgeben
to announce [make public]veröffentlichen
to arrange [make plans]planen
to assimilate [make like]ähnlichmachen
to assimilate [make like]angleichen
to assimilate [make like]gleichmachen
to blacken [make black]schwärzen
to convey [make understood]besagen
to corrupt [make worse]verschlechtern
to Danicize [make Danish]danisieren
to Danicize [make Danish]dänisieren
to madden [make angry]ärgern
to model [= make models]modellieren
to thicken [make thick]verdicken
Gangway! [Make way!]Platz machen!
to announce [make public]bekannt machen
to apply [make use of]anwenden
to deliver [make public]bekannt geben
to gild [make seem golden]übergolden
to gouge [make a groove]furchen
to hoarsen [make hoarse]heiser machen
to incarnate [make real]Form geben
to individuate [make distinctive]unverwechselbar machen
to madden [make angry]fuchsen [ugs.]
to nullify [annihilate, make ineffective]zunichtemachen
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