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English-German translation for: stick in the mud
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Dictionary English German: stick in the mud

Translation 1 - 50 of 61466  >>

SYNO   plodder | slowcoach | slowpoke ... 
Keywords contained
to stick in the mudim Dreck stecken bleiben
stick-in-the-mudRückschrittler {m}
stick-in-the-mud [Am.]Spielverderber {m}
stick-in-the-mud [coll.] [pej.]Muffel {m} [ugs.] [z. B. Kulturmuffel]
stick-in-the-mud [coll.] [also: stick in the mud]Langweiler {m}
stick-in-the-mud [coll.] [pej.] [person who resists change]Ewiggestriger {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
stick-in-the-mud [coll.] [pej.] [person lacking initiative or enthusiasm]Schlaftablette {f} [fig.] [ugs.] [pej.] [jd., dem es an Schwung fehlt]
Partial Matches
to play in the mudmatschen
to wallow in (the) mudsich im Schlamm wälzen
The field was ankle-deep in mud.Auf dem Feld stand der Schlamm knöcheltief.
idiom to stick in the mindim Gedächtnis haften
to stick one's thumb in the airden Daumen hochhalten
to stick one's head in (at) the door [coll.]den Kopf zur Tür reinstecken [ugs.]
to stick one's nose up (in the air) [coll.]die Nase hoch tragen [ugs.]
better than a poke in the eye (with a sharp stick) [hum.] [idiom]besser als in die hohle Hand geschissen [derb] [Redewendung]
better than a poke in the eye with a burnt stick [Aus.] [hum.] [idiom]besser als in die hohle Hand geschissen [derb] [Redewendung]
to dabble / grub in mudmuddeln [nordd.]
It's difficult to walk in mud.Es geht sich schlecht im Schlamm.
to stick ineinkleben
Here's mud in your eye! [coll.] [idiom]Prosit!
Here's mud in your eye! [coll.] [idiom]Prost!
to be up to one's knees in mudbis zu den Knien im Dreck stecken
to trudge through the muddurch den Matsch stapfen
to stick in sb.'s memoryjdm. in Erinnerung bleiben
to stick in sb.'s mindsich jdm. einprägen
idiom to stick in one's mindim Gedächtnis haften
to stick one's oar injdm. reinreden
to stick pictures in a bookBilder in ein Buch kleben
to stick in sb.'s craw [idiom]jdm. gegen den Strich gehen [Redewendung]
to stick one's oar in [coll.] [idiom](jdm.) dazwischenfunken [ugs.]
to stick one's oar in [coll.] [idiom]seinen Senf dazugeben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom to be (caught) in a cleft stick [Br.]sich in einer verzwickten Lage befinden
comp. random access memory stick <RAM stick>RAM-Riegel {m}
to give the stickeine Tracht Prügel verabreichen
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. [idiom]Da beißt die Maus keinen Faden ab. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
idiom to put / stick one's bib in [Aus.] [coll.] [to interfere]sich einmischen
to get the stick [idiom]eine Tracht Prügel bekommen
Stick to the point!Bleiben Sie bei der Sache!
to carry the big stickden Rohrstock schwingen
to stick out the tonguedie Zunge herausstrecken
to stick to the budgetinnerhalb des Budgets bleiben
to stick to the factssich an die Tatsachen halten
to stick to the fingersan den Fingern kleben bleiben
to stick to the pointbeim Thema bleiben
to stick to the termssich an die Bedingungen halten
to stick to the truthbei der Wahrheit bleiben
to stick with the plansich an den Plan halten
to stick in sb.'s craw [Am.] [fig.] [to be unacceptable to sb.]für jdn. nicht akzeptabel sein
to stick in sb.'s throat [coll.] [idiom] [to be unacceptable to sb.]für jdn. nicht akzeptabel sein
to stick out like turd in a punch bowl [fig.] [vulg.]gewaltig hervorstechen
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