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English-German translation for: stimulation
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Dictionary English German: stimulation

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NOUN   a stimulation | stimulations
SYNO   arousal | foreplay | stimulation ... 
NOUN   die Stimulation | die Stimulationen
SYNO   Anregung | Ansporn | Belebung ... 
Anregung {f}
Reiz {m}
Ansporn {m}
Antrieb {m}
Anreiz {m}
Belebung {f}
Förderung {f}
Reizung {f}
Ankurbelung {f}
Stimulation {f}
stimulationStimulierung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
audio auditory stimulationSchallreizung {f}
audio med. auditory stimulationakustische Stimulation {f}
med. psych. basal stimulationbasale Stimulation {f}
med. cardiac stimulationHerzstimulierung {f}
biol. co-stimulationCostimulation {f}
med. cortical stimulation <CS>kortikale Stimulation {f}
med. MedTech. electric stimulationElektrostimulation {f}
MedTech. electric stimulationelektrische Stimulation {f}
audio med. electrical stimulationElektrostimulation {f}
gastr. med. gustatory stimulationGeschmacksreizung {f}
med. heat stimulationHitzestimulation {f}
MedTech. magnetic stimulationMagnetstimulation {f}
MedTech. magnetic stimulationmagnetische Stimulation {f}
nipple stimulationBrustwarzenstimulation {f}
med. ovarian stimulationOvarstimulation {f}
electr. self-stimulationSelbstanregung {f}
self-stimulationSelbstreizung {f}
self-stimulationSelbststimulation {f}
self-stimulationSelbststimulierung {f}
self-stimulation [sexual]Selbstbefriedigung {f}
med. stimulation currentReizstrom {m} [z. B. für Elektrotherapie]
stimulation effectReizwirkung {f}
audio electr. stimulation electrodeStimulationselektrode {f}
stimulation index <SI>Stimulationsindex {m} <SI>
med. stimulation intensityStimulationsintensität {f}
med. stimulation parameterStimulationsparameter {m}
electr. MedTech. stimulation pulseStimulationsimpuls {m}
med. stimulation therapyReiztherapie {f}
biol. med. stimulation thresholdReizschwelle {f}
med. psych. subliminal stimulationunterschwellige Reizung {f}
med. ventricular stimulationVentrikelstimulation {f}
med. vibratory stimulation <VS>Vibrationsstimulation {f} <VS>
3 Words: Nouns
med. bone marrow stimulationKnochenmarkstimulation {f}
med. deep brain stimulation <DBS>Tiefenhirnstimulation {f} <THS>
med. deep brain stimulation <DBS>tiefe Hirnstimulation {f} <DBS>
degree of stimulationReizungsstadium {n}
audio electric acoustic stimulation <EAS>elektrisch-akustische Stimulation {f} <EAS>
med. electrical muscle stimulation <EMS>Reizstrom {m} <RS>
audio electro-acoustic stimulation <EAS>elektrisch-akustische Stimulation {f} <EAS>
MedTech. functional electrical stimulation <FES>funktionelle Elektrostimulation {f} <FES>
med. high-frequency stimulationHochfrequenzstimulation {f}
need for stimulationAnregungsbedarf {m} [selten]
med. neuromuscular electrical stimulation <NMES>Reizstrom {m}
audio med. promontory stimulation test <PST>Promontorialtest {m} <PT> [Elektrostimulation am Promontorium]
med. repetitive nerve stimulation <RNS>repetitive Nervenstimulation {f} <RNS>
med. repetitive pain stimulationrepetitive Schmerzreizung {f}
med. sacral nerve stimulation <SNS>sakrale Neuromodulation {f} <SNM>
med. MedTech. sacral nerve stimulation <SNS>sakrale Neurostimulation {f} <SNS>
MedTech. stimulation current therapyReizstromtherapie {f}
stimulation of businessBelebung {f} der Geschäfte
stimulation of tradeBelebung {f} des Handels
med. theta-wave stimulationThetawellenstimulation {f}
biol. threshold of stimulationReizschwelle {f}
med. MedTech. transcranial magnetic stimulation <TMS>transkranielle Magnetstimulation {f} <TMS>
4 Words: Nouns
audio med. electrical ear canal stimulation <ECS>Elektrostimulation {f} im Gehörgang
med. percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation <PENS> [electroacupuncture]Elektroakupunktur {f} <EA>
med. MedTech. repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation <rTMS>repetitive transkranielle Magnetstimulation {f} <rTMS>
econ. stimulation of the economyFörderung {f} der Konjunktur
stimulation of the industryAnkurbelung {f} der Wirtschaft
stimulation of the marketBelebung {f} des Marktes
med. sympathetic nervous system stimulationSympathikus-Stimulation {f}
med. transcranial direct current stimulation <tDCS>transkranielle Gleichstromstimulation {f}
med. transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation <TENS>transkutane elektrische Nervenstimulation {f} <TENS>
med. MedTech. X-ray stimulation therapyRöntgenreizbestrahlung {f}
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A 2018-05-27: complaint stimulation, acceptance, treatment and response
A 2009-04-21: wie Antrieb ? > stimulation ? drive?
A 2008-07-10: movement stimulation.
A 2008-07-10: posture and movement exercise / support / stimulation ......
Q 2008-01-07: effects (of drugs), such as stimulation or pleasure
A 2007-12-20: doesn't react anymore on light stimulation
A 2006-11-27: stimulation improvement = Antriebsverbesserung ???

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