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English-German translation for: stocks
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Dictionary English German: stocks

Translation 1 - 50 of 148  >>

English German
NOUN   a stock | stocks
VERB  to stock | stocked | stocked
stocking | stocks
NOUN   der Stock [Bestand] | die Stocks
stocks stocks
Aktien {pl}
biol. comm. ecol. stocks [inventories]
Bestände {pl}
comm. stocks {pl}
Vorrat {m}
fin. stocks stocks
Wertpapiere {pl}
comm. stocks {pl}
Lagerbestand {m}
stocks [supplies]
Vorräte {pl}
comm. stocks [supplies]
Lagerbestände {pl}
naut. stocks {pl}
Kielstapel {m}
naut. stocks [shipyard]
Stapel {m}
bot. T
Levkojen {pl}
hist. law the stocks {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] [instrument of punishment](der) Schandstock {m} [Fußblock]
hist. the stocks {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] [instrument of punishment](der) Stock {m} [Fußblock]
2 Words: Verbs
stocks to dump stocks [coll.]Wertpapiere abstoßen [ugs.]
stocks to hold stocksAktien besitzen
stocks to list stocksAktien notieren
to maintain stocksVorräte halten
stocks to realize stocksAktien veräußern
comm. to replace stocksLagerbestände wieder auffüllen
comm. to replenish stocksLager wieder auffüllen
comm. to replenish stocksWarenbestände wieder auffüllen
stocks to sell stocksAktien verkaufen
stocks to split stocksAktien aufteilen
stocks to split stocksverschiedene Aktien kaufen und halten
comm. to supplement stocksdas Lager auffüllen
stocks to transfer stocksAktien übertragen
2 Words: Nouns
stocks active stockslebhaft gehandelte Aktien {pl}
stocks additional stockszusätzliche Aktien {pl}
stocks advancing stockssteigende Aktien {pl}
stocks alpha stocksAlpha-Werte {pl}
ecol. zool. animal stocksTierbestände {pl}
stocks arbitrage stocksArbitrage-Werte {pl}
stocks Asian stocksasiatische Aktien {pl}
automot. stocks automotive stocksAutomobilwerte {pl}
stocks available stocksverfügbare Aktien {pl}
comm. available stocksverfügbare Vorräte {pl}
aviat. stocks aviation stocksLuftfahrtwerte {pl}
econ. bank stocksBankaktien {pl}
stocks banking stocksBankaktien {pl}
stocks barometer stocksStandardwerte {pl}
stocks barometer stockstrendanzeigende Aktien {pl}
stocks bearer stocksInhaberstammaktien {pl}
stocks building stocksBauaktien {pl}
stocks building stocksBauwerte {pl}
stocks building stocksAktien {pl} von Bauunternehmen
stocks callable stockskündbare Wertpapiere {pl}
agr. zool. cattle stocksRinderbestände {pl}
stocks common stocksStammaktien {pl}
stocks company stocksFirmenaktien {pl}
corporation stocksObligationen {pl} von Körperschaften
stocks current stocks {pl}aktueller Bestand {m}
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Q 2018-04-25: stocks (Hist.)
A 2016-12-13: Stocks
A 2016-02-12: Stocks
A 2016-02-11: rose stocks - Rosenbüsche
Q 2016-02-11: … heavy with scent of stocks …
Q 2015-04-04: food stocks
A 2014-07-10: stocks (US English)
A 2014-05-10: = Subject STOCKS
A 2013-01-12: Probably the commissions paid to brokers or managers of equity funds (mutu...
A 2012-11-15: What's the difference between shares and stocks?
Q 2012-11-15: stocks and shares
A 2012-07-25: Further projects are on the stocks
A 2012-05-19: Or else: stocks and shares
A 2012-05-19: shares or stocks
Q 2012-04-27: Finanztext: recovery stocks? Danke!
A 2011-05-24: Stocks: I'm/ I feel bullish about the future.
A 2010-11-15: ... after a certain amount of shares / stocks ... By Friday, however, no n...
A 2010-04-04: or "penny stocks"
A 2010-02-19: stocks? health insurance? services? other?
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