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English-German translation for: stolen
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Dictionary English German: stolen

Translation 1 - 44 of 44

English German
ADJ   stolen | - | -
VERB  to steal | stole | stolen ... 
NOUN   die Stola | die Stolen
stolen {adj} {past-p}
stolen {adj} {past-p}
stolen {adj} {past-p} [e.g. staff, customers]
2 Words: Others
sb. had sth. stolenjdm. wurde etw. gestohlen
stolen away {past-p}davongeschlichen
stolen from {past-p}bestohlen
2 Words: Nouns
art stolen artRaubkunst {f}
stolen goldRaubgold {n}
stolen goodsHehlerware {f}
stolen goodsHehlerwaren {pl}
stolen goodsgestohlene Waren {pl}
stolen goods {pl}Diebesgut {n}
stolen goods {pl}Diebsgut {n} [bes. österr.]
admin. law stolen goods {pl}Stehlgut {n} [amtsdeutsch]
stolen vehiclegestohlenes Fahrzeug {n}
3 Words: Others
sb. has / had stolenjd. hat / hatte gestohlen
3 Words: Verbs
to receive stolen goodshehlen
law to receive stolen goodsHehlerei treiben
to receive stolen goodsgestohlene Ware erhalten
to recover stolen goodsgestohlenes Gut wiedererlangen
3 Words: Nouns
stolen car dealerAutoschieber {m}
4 Words: Others
sth. has been stolen from sb.jdm. ist etw. gestohlen worden
4 Words: Verbs
to deal in stolen goodsmit gestohlener Ware handeln
4 Words: Nouns
dealer in stolen goodsHehler {m}
dealing in stolen carsAutoschieberei {f}
law dealing in stolen goodsHehlerei {f}
receiver of stolen goodsHehler {m}
receiving of stolen goodsHehlerei {f}
receiving of stolen propertyHehlerei {f}
recovery of stolen goodsWiederbeschaffung {f} gestohlener Waren
sum of stolen moneyBeutesumme {f}
5+ Words: Others
Cough up the stolen diamonds or else ...!Heraus mit den gestohlenen Diamanten oder ...!
He is said to have stolen the book.Er soll das Buch gestohlen haben.
I had all my books stolen.Mir wurden alle meine Bücher gestohlen.
TrVocab. My cell phone has been stolen. [Am.]Man hat mein Handy gestohlen.
TrVocab. My mobile has been stolen. [Br.]Man hat mein Handy gestohlen.
She had her bag stolen.Ihr wurde der Rucksack geklaut.
5+ Words: Nouns
psych. lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from anotherfehlende Reue {f}, die sich in Gleichgültigkeit oder Rationalisierungen äußert, wenn die Person andere Menschen gekränkt, misshandelt oder bestohlen hat
law lost or stolen personal propertyabhandengekommene Sache {f}
law lost or stolen personal propertyabhanden gekommene Sache {f} [alt]
law movable thing either lost or stolenabhandengekommene Sache {f}
law movable thing either lost or stolenabhanden gekommene Sache {f} [alt]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Terror by Night / The Stolen Jewels [Roy William Neill]Juwelenraub
lit. F The Stolen Farthings [Grimm Brothers]Der gestohlene Heller [Brüder Grimm]
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A 2018-03-08: "it fell off the truck" is a euphemism for "stolen"
A 2016-11-23: stolen things that could not be acquired by prescription / by OR through a...
Q 2016-03-02: Stolen shots
A 2012-04-30: If the recent theft still affects the present situation: Who has had the t...
A 2012-04-30: Who had the tank stolen from him?
A 2012-04-29: +Who let the tank get stolen?+ would be a direct translation. Possibly +Wh...
A 2012-04-02: Exactly right, rabend. The land was basically stolen. The euphemism was "c...
Q 2012-01-19: The stolen car was damaged vs. The Car stolen was..
A 2009-05-21: Same in the U.S. Roaming cats generally can't be stolen, even if someone c...
A 2008-12-06: Well, that one's stolen from Wikipedia. But if you want an original, here ...
A 2008-09-23: To rob a bank or a petrol station or anything/one where money can be stolen.
A 2007-05-30: stolen
Q 2006-10-26: are having their lives stolen from them
A 2006-09-15: stole -> stolen
A 2006-08-19: Fortunately my car was not stolen last night!
A 2005-11-18: I meant damage claims or stolen cars
A 2005-08-18: stolen rego [registration] plates [elsewhere: number plates]
Q 2005-06-26: Any leads as to where the stolen car may be?

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