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English-German translation for: stomach
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Dictionary English German: stomach

Translation 1 - 50 of 207  >>

English German
NOUN   a stomach | stomachs
VERB  to stomach | stomached | stomached ... 
SYNO   abdomen | belly | stomach | venter ... 
anat. med. stomach {adj} [attr.] [e.g. contents, lining, wall, cancer, trouble]
Magen- [z. B. Inhalt, Schleimhaut, Wand, Krebs, Beschwerden]
to stomach sth. [usually: cannot stomach sth.]
etw.Akk. vertragen [meist verneint: etw. nicht vertragen (können)]
to stomach sth.
etw. verdauen [fig.]
to stomach sb./sth.
jdn./etw. ertragen
anat. stomach
Magen {m}
anat. stomach [belly]
Bauch {m}
stomach [belly]
Leib {m} [geh.] [Bauch]
anat. med. spec. stomach
Gaster {m}
stomach [archaic] [pride]
Stolz {m}
2 Words: Others
stomach-churning {adj} [fig.]widerlich
stomach-friendly {adj}magenfreundlich [magenschonend]
med. stomach-soothing {adj}magenberuhigend
stomach-turning {adj}magenumdrehend
2 Words: Verbs
to curdle sb.'s stomachjdm. den Magen umdrehen
idiom to settle sb.'s stomachjds. Magen beruhigen
to turn sb.'s stomachjdm. den Magen umdrehen
2 Words: Nouns
sports (stomach) crunchBauchpresse {f} [Übung]
gastr. beef stomachRindermagen {m}
med. bilocular stomachSanduhrmagen {m}
med. bloated stomachaufgetriebener Bauch {m}
med. empty stomachnüchterner Magen {m}
VetMed. zool. first stomach [rumen]Pansen {m}
flat stomachflacher Bauch {m}
zool. glandular stomach [Proventriculus, Pars glandularis]Drüsenmagen {m} [Archosaurier (Vögel, Krokodile)]
gastr. orn. goose's stomachGänsemagen {m}
VetMed. zool. honeycomb stomach [Reticulum]Netzmagen {m} [Wiederkäuer]
med. hourglass stomachSanduhrmagen {m}
med. irritable stomachReizmagen {m}
lower stomachUnterleib {m} [ugs.]
zool. muscular stomach [Ventriculus, Pars muscularis]Muskelmagen {m} [Archosaurier (Vögel, Krokodile)]
med. nervous stomach [coll.]nervöser Magen {m} [ugs.]
med. queasy stomachflauer Magen {m}
zool. ruminant stomachWiederkäuermagen {m}
biol. simple stomach [uni-layered]einfacher Magen {m}
med. sour stomach [acid stomach]übersäuerter Magen {m}
stomach (for sb./sth.) [fig.] [postpos.]Interesse {n} (an jdm./etw.) [Lust, Neigung]
stomach (for) [fig.]Lust {f} (auf)
med. stomach acheDarmschmerz {m} [Leibschmerz]
stomach acheLeibschneiden {n} [regional]
med. stomach acheLeibweh {n} [ugs.]
med. stomach ache {sg}Leibschmerzen {pl}
med. stomach acidMagensäure {f}
med. stomach biopsyMagenbiopsie {f}
med. stomach bleedingMagenbluten {n}
med. stomach bleedingMagenblutung {f}
zool. stomach breathing [abdominal breathing]Bauchatmung {f}
med. stomach bug [coll.]Darmgrippe {f}
med. stomach bug [coll.]Magenverstimmung {f} [i. d. R. durch ein Virus verursacht]
med. stomach bug [coll.]Magen-Darm-Infekt {m}
med. stomach cancer <SC>Magencarcinom {n} [Rsv.]
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A 2017-12-15: BE: kriechen (mil. / Gefechtsdienst) > to crawl; gleiten (mil. / Gefechtsd...
A 2017-03-14: Stomach
A 2017-03-13: height of thy stomach
A 2017-03-13: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/stomach
Q 2017-03-13: height of thy stomach?
A 2016-02-18: feeling/sensation of pressure (e.g. in the chest or stomach region)
Q 2015-04-29: sb's stomach sank
Q 2014-04-15: stomach obstruction
A 2013-10-08: hair and stomach
A 2013-06-23: Vintage May Breath Tin, Purifying Deodorant for the Mouth & Stomach, Chicago
A 2013-06-17: knot in stomach, throat or head .... but for different reason .....
A 2013-06-13: More totalitarian tendencies to turn your stomach
A 2012-11-07: es steht mir vor dem Magen = ich kann es nicht runterbringen / verdauen = ...
A 2012-11-07: I have an upset stomach.
A 2012-11-07: probably: I can't stomach it
Q 2012-09-11: to (be able to) stomach sth. / s.b. = etw. / jdn. vertragen (können)
A 2012-09-04: stomach pumping
A 2012-04-05: something's playing havoc with my stomach
A 2010-12-04: Maybe: "You are the butterfly in my stomach"
A 2010-12-04: I agree with Bacca - anything with stomach/belly/tummy etc doesn't sound v...

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