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English-German translation for: stones
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Dictionary English German: stones

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NOUN   a stone | stones
VERB  to stone | stoned | stoned
stoning | stones
Steine {pl}
gastr. stones [dated]Stierhoden {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to break stonesSteine klopfen
MedTech. to crush stones [in the kidney, gallblader, etc.]Steine zertrümmern [Nierensteine, Gallensteine usw.]
to dap stonesSteine flach auf das Wasser werfen
to skim stonesSteine (übers Wasser) hüpfen lassen
2 Words: Nouns
mineral. amber stonesBernsteine {pl}
Apel-stonesApelsteine {pl}
bladder stonesBlasensteine {pl}
boundary stonesGrenzsteine {pl}
fire stonesFeuersteine {pl}
foundation stonesGrundsteine {pl}
med. gall stonesGallensteine {pl}
zool. gizzard stonesGastrolithen {pl}
glass stonesMuggelsteine {pl}
med. kidney stones [Calculi renales]Nierensteine {pl}
med. tonsil stonesMandelsteine {pl}
valuable stoneskostbare Steine {pl}
VVS stones [Am.] [coll.] [very, very shiny]Diamanten {pl}
3 Words: Others
abounding in stones {adj} [postpos.]felsig [reich an Felsen, steinig]
clear of stones {adj}frei von Steinen
Danger! Falling stones!Achtung Steinschlag
weighted with stones {adj} [postpos.]mit Steinen beschwert
3 Words: Verbs
to break up stonesSteine zerschlagen
to cast stones at sb.mit Steinen nach jdm. werfen
3 Words: Nouns
avalanche of stonesSteinhagel {m}
mineral. collection of stonesSteinesammlung {f}
mineral. collection of stonesSteinsammlung {f}
archaeo. archi. course of stonesSteinschicht {f}
med. MedTech. destruction of stonesSteinzertrümmerung {f}
hail of stonesSteinhagel {m}
heap of stonesSteinhaufen {m}
constr. man-made stoneskünstliche Steine {pl}
pile of stonesSteinhaufen {m}
shower of stonesSteinhagel {m}
shower of stonesHagel {m} von Steinen
stocks and stonesunbelebte Dinge {pl}
Stones of Remembrance [for victims of the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes] [Vienna]Steine {pl} der Erinnerung [Wien]
4 Words: Nouns
hist. (Second) Battle of MurfreesboroSchlacht {f} vom Stones River [Schlacht von Murfreesboro]
hist. Battle of Stones RiverSchlacht {f} vom Stones River [Schlacht von Murfreesboro]
study of precious stones [gemmology]Wissenschaft {f} von den Edelsteinen
5+ Words: Others
proverb People (who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.Wer im Glashaus sitzt, soll nicht mit Steinen werfen.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.Wer im Glashaus sitzt, soll / sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen.
proverb Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words / names will never hurt me.Stock und Stein brechen mein Gebein, doch Worte bringen keine Pein.
5+ Words: Verbs
to batter a door with stoneseine Tür mit Steinen bewerfen
to have the stones to do sth. [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]den Mumm haben, etw. zu tun [ugs.]
games to have three stones in a row [(nine men's) morris game]eine Mühle haben [Mühlespiel]
to not have (got) the stones to do sth. [vulg.]keine Eier (in der Hose) haben, um etw. zu tun [vulg.]
5+ Words: Nouns
tools (a set of) quern-stonesMahlsteine {pl} [oberer und unterer Mahlstein]
MedTech. extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (for renal stones) <ESWL>Nierenlithotripsie {f}
med. extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for ureteral stones <ESWL for ureteral stones>ESWL {f} bei Harnleitersteinen
precious stones, semi-precious stones and imitation jewellery [Br.] [see European Customs Portal, Section XIV]Edelsteine, Schmucksteine und Fantasieschmuck [siehe Europa-Zollportal, Abschnitt XIV]
games three stones in a rowMühle {f} [im Mühlespiel]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Beneath these Stones [Ann Granger]In dunkler Tiefe sollst du ruhn
film F Cast a Giant Shadow [Melville Shavelson]Der Schatten des Giganten / Commander Stones - Ihr bester Mann / Wirf einen großen Schatten
art F The Wishing Stones [Lubo Kristek]Steine der Wünsche
film F Trace of StonesSpur der Steine [Frank Beyer]
film lit. F Traces of StonesSpur der Steine [Roman: Erik Neutsch; Film: Frank Beyer]
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A 2015-06-18: 10:15 - +quoin corner+ consisting of ashlar corner stones is indeed correct
A 2015-06-15: stones = grit ?
A 2014-12-17: This is about translating sth. with the aid of seer stones ("Sehersteine")...
Q 2014-02-27: Those were the days? Rolling Stones mystique back in 1994
Q 2013-07-14: ask me stones
A 2013-01-15: What is stone ground about the mustard, if it's not ground between stones?
A 2012-11-30: @Joanne The Stones are not always right!
A 2012-11-30: Rolling Stones -
A 2012-11-23: collect and remove stones and roots from site (following Joanne)
A 2012-10-04: Like it or not, "tripping stones" seems well-established.
A 2012-09-14: @ romy: Naja, vielleicht waren die Stones in den 60ern noch nicht in der C...
A 2012-07-17: http://www.diy.com/nav/garden/garden-d-cor/decorative-stones-chippings/-br...
A 2012-01-15: corner stones
Q 2011-10-07: Stepping Stones
Q 2011-09-30: start me up (Rolling Stones)
A 2011-07-18: Ich denke, zumindest beim Stones-Titel ist die Sache schon so gemeint, wie
Q 2011-06-02: Dem Drummer der Rolling Stones zum Siebzigsten
A 2011-05-26: He threw stones against other banks...
A 2011-03-07: The Rolling Stones, the Beatles, ..... etc) are known the world over
A 2010-09-13: mile stones

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