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| – |
| stones | 85 Steine {pl} | |
| gastr. stones [dated] | Stierhoden {pl} | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to break stones | Steine klopfen | |
| MedTech. to crush stones [in the kidney, gallblader, etc.] | Steine zertrümmern [Nierensteine, Gallensteine usw.] | |
| to dap stones | Steine flach auf das Wasser werfen | |
| to skim stones | Steine (übers Wasser) hüpfen lassen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| mineral. amber stones | Bernsteine {pl} | |
| Apel-stones | Apelsteine {pl} | |
| bladder stones | Blasensteine {pl} | |
| boundary stones | Grenzsteine {pl} | |
| fire stones | Feuersteine {pl} | |
| foundation stones | Grundsteine {pl} | |
| med. gall stones | Gallensteine {pl} | |
| zool. gizzard stones | Gastrolithen {pl} | |
| glass stones | Muggelsteine {pl} | |
| med. kidney stones [Calculi renales] | Nierensteine {pl} | |
| med. tonsil stones | Mandelsteine {pl} | |
| valuable stones | kostbare Steine {pl} | |
| VVS stones [Am.] [coll.] [very, very shiny] | Diamanten {pl} | |
3 Words: Others |
| abounding in stones {adj} [postpos.] | felsig [reich an Felsen, steinig] | |
| clear of stones {adj} | frei von Steinen | |
| Danger! Falling stones! | Achtung Steinschlag | |
| weighted with stones {adj} [postpos.] | mit Steinen beschwert | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to break up stones | Steine zerschlagen | |
| to cast stones at sb. | mit Steinen nach jdm. werfen | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| avalanche of stones | Steinhagel {m} | |
| mineral. collection of stones | Steinesammlung {f} | |
| mineral. collection of stones | Steinsammlung {f} | |
| archaeo. archi. course of stones | Steinschicht {f} | |
| med. MedTech. destruction of stones | Steinzertrümmerung {f} | |
| hail of stones | Steinhagel {m} | |
| heap of stones | Steinhaufen {m} | |
| constr. man-made stones | künstliche Steine {pl} | |
| pile of stones | Steinhaufen {m} | |
| shower of stones | Steinhagel {m} | |
| shower of stones | Hagel {m} von Steinen | |
| stocks and stones | unbelebte Dinge {pl} | |
| Stones of Remembrance [for victims of the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes] [Vienna] | Steine {pl} der Erinnerung [Wien] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| hist. (Second) Battle of Murfreesboro | Schlacht {f} vom Stones River [Schlacht von Murfreesboro] | |
| hist. Battle of Stones River | Schlacht {f} vom Stones River [Schlacht von Murfreesboro] | |
| study of precious stones [gemmology] | Wissenschaft {f} von den Edelsteinen | |
5+ Words: Others |
| proverb People (who live) in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. | Wer im Glashaus sitzt, soll nicht mit Steinen werfen. | |
| People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. | Wer im Glashaus sitzt, soll / sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen. | |
| proverb Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words / names will never hurt me. | Stock und Stein brechen mein Gebein, doch Worte bringen keine Pein. | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to batter a door with stones | eine Tür mit Steinen bewerfen | |
| to have the stones to do sth. [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] | den Mumm haben, etw. zu tun [ugs.] | |
| games to have three stones in a row [(nine men's) morris game] | eine Mühle haben [Mühlespiel] | |
| to not have (got) the stones to do sth. [vulg.] | keine Eier (in der Hose) haben, um etw. zu tun [vulg.] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| tools (a set of) quern-stones | Mahlsteine {pl} [oberer und unterer Mahlstein] | |
| MedTech. extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (for renal stones) <ESWL> | Nierenlithotripsie {f} | |
| med. extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for ureteral stones <ESWL for ureteral stones> | ESWL {f} bei Harnleitersteinen | |
| precious stones, semi-precious stones and imitation jewellery [Br.] [see European Customs Portal, Section XIV] | Edelsteine, Schmucksteine und Fantasieschmuck [siehe Europa-Zollportal, Abschnitt XIV] | |
| games three stones in a row | Mühle {f} [im Mühlespiel] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| lit. F Beneath these Stones [Ann Granger] | In dunkler Tiefe sollst du ruhn | |
| film F Cast a Giant Shadow [Melville Shavelson] | Der Schatten des Giganten / Commander Stones - Ihr bester Mann / Wirf einen großen Schatten | |
| art F The Wishing Stones [Lubo Kristek] | Steine der Wünsche | |
| film F Trace of Stones | Spur der Steine [Frank Beyer] | |
| film lit. F Traces of Stones | Spur der Steine [Roman: Erik Neutsch; Film: Frank Beyer] | |
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