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English-German translation for: stood
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Dictionary English German: stood

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
VERB  to stand | stood | stood ... 
stood {past-p}
sb./sth. stood
jd./etw. stand
2 Words: Others
stood about {past-p}herumgestanden
stood back {past-p}zurückgestanden
stood by {past-p} [supported]beigesprungen
stood firm {past-p}festgestanden
stood firm {past-p}standgehalten
stood open {past-p}offengestanden
stood still {past-p}stehengeblieben
stood still {past-p}stillgestanden
stood there {past-p}dagestanden
stood together {past-p}zusammengestanden
stood-up {adj} {past-p} [attr.] [coll.] [e.g. girlfriend]versetzt [z. B. Freundin] [ugs.]
2 Words: Verbs
to be stood [coll.] [to be standing]stehen
3 Words: Others
[you] stood the test[du] bewährtest dich
sb./sth. has / had stoodjd./etw. hat / hatte gestanden [nicht südd., österr., schweiz.]
sb./sth. has / had stoodjd./etw. ist / war gestanden [standard-südd.] [standard-österr.] [standard-schweiz.]
stood at attention {past-p}strammgestanden
3 Words: Verbs
to be stood up [coll.] [to be the victim of a person failing to appear for a date]versetzt werden [ugs.] [bei einer Verabredung]
to get stood up [coll.] [to be the victim of a person failing to appear for a date]sitzengelassen werden
to get stood up [coll.] [to be the victim of a person failing to appear for a date]versetzt werden [ugs.] [bei einer Verabredung]
4 Words: Others
idiom He stood her up. [coll.] [He failed to appear for the date]Er ließ sie aufsitzen. [ugs.] [Er hielt die Verabredung nicht ein]
He stood hugging himself.Er stand mit verschränkten Armen da.
My heart stood still. [idiom]Mir stockte das Herz. [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Others
... that have stood the test of time. [e.g. material]..., die sich bewährt haben. [z. B. Materialien]
His hair stood on end. [idiom]Die Haare standen ihm zu Berge. [Redewendung]
My hair stood on end. [idiom]Die Haare standen mir zu Berge. [Redewendung]
My hair stood on end. [idiom]Mir sträubten sich die Haare. [Redewendung]
She stood head and shoulders above him.Sie überragte ihn um gut zwei Köpfe.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Here Stood A HotelHier stand ein Hotel [Vicki Baum]
film F The Day the Earth Stood Still [1951: Robert Wise, 2008: Scott Derrickson]Der Tag, an dem die Erde stillstand
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Q 2024-07-29: stood down
Q 2018-07-19: Fair stood the wind for France
A 2017-12-22: I always thought cc stood for carbon copy.
A 2017-06-22: He was confronted with / He stood in front of a wall made of debris
A 2016-08-02: "was stood down"
Q 2016-08-02: he was stood down
A 2015-09-14: +We all once stood where you are standing now.+
A 2015-08-18: "they stood * rows deep"
Q 2015-03-18: Prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition ÜBERSETZUNG??
Q 2015-02-16: I stood in for nothing
A 2014-10-24: ...which stood him in good stead.
A 2014-07-03: I understand what stehenbleiben means, but that isn't what +never stood+ means.
A 2013-10-05: Well, you could work it around to "Oh no!" slipped out, as I stood / sat t...
A 2013-09-30: http://www.dict.cc/?s=day+earth+stood+still
A 2013-07-29: It stood for "wider," which corresponds to the "versus" or "vs. / vs" in U...
A 2013-07-02: I never knew where I stood with her (oder RedRufus' Version)
A 2010-05-02: The boy stood on the burning deck,
Q 2009-10-26: The +Treasury's 8.875 per cent+ 30 year bond issue stood nearly 1/2 point ...
A 2009-09-12: shouldn't be, and i apologise -- i must have stood in something somewhere
A 2009-05-27: I always thought cc stood for carbon copy.

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• stood
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