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English-German translation for: storage space
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Dictionary English German: storage space

Translation 1 - 50 of 1723  >>

NOUN1   a storage space | storage spaces
NOUN2   storage space | -
storage spaceLagerfläche {f}
storage spaceLagerraum {m}
tech. storage spaceSammelraum {m}
comp. storage spaceSpeicherplatz {m}
storage spaceSpeicherraum {m}
storage spaceStauraum {m}
storage spaceStauvolumen {n}
storage spaceStellfläche {f}
Keywords contained
comp. (storage) space problemSpeicherplatzproblem {n}
ample storage spacereichlicher Lagerraum {m}
water-storage spaceWasserspeichervolumen {n}
Partial Matches
math. compactly generated space {sg} <k-space>kompakt erzeugte Räume {pl} <k-Räume>
telecom. space frequency / space-frequency block code <SFBC>Raum-Frequenz-Blockcode {m}
tech. space time / space-time block code <STBC>Raum-Zeit-Blockcode {m}
storageAblage {f} [Raum, Stelle, wo etwas abgelegt wird]
storageArchivierung {f}
storageAufbewahrung {f}
tech. storageAufspeicherung {f}
comp. storageDatenspeicher {m}
storageEinlagerung {f}
econ. storageLagerei {f} [Lagerung]
storageLagerhaltung {f}
storageLagerkosten {pl}
storageLagerung {f}
storageSpeicher {m}
storageSpeichern {n}
comp. storageSpeicherplatz {m}
storageSpeicherung {f}
comp. storage-saving {adj}speichersparend
storage-stable {adj}lagerstabil
active storageaktiver Speicher {m}
address storageAdressspeicher {m}
addressable storageadressierbarer Speicher {m}
addressable storageDirektzugriffsspeicher {m}
airtight storageLagerung {f} unter Luftabschluss
ash storageAschelagerung {f}
associative storageAssoziativrelation {f}
comp. auxiliary storageexterner Speicher {m} [anderer Datenspeicher als der Hauptspeicher, z. B. Disketten und Bänder]
auxiliary storageReservevorrat {m}
auxiliary storageZusatzspeicher {m}
available storageverfügbarer Speicher {m}
backing storageperipherer Speicher {m}
backing storagezusätzlicher Speicher {m}
backing storageZusatzspeicher {m}
backing storageZwischenspeicherung {f} in peripherem Speicher
backwater storageStauwasserspeicher {m}
travel baggage storageGepäckaufbewahrung {f}
bank storageUferspeicherung {f}
bicycle storageFahrradaufbewahrung {f}
tech. block storageBlocklager {n}
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Q 2017-06-06: Storage space/area
A 2009-05-10: in a drawer whose storage space/capacity is doubled by incorporating anoth...
A 2009-03-17: We have absolutely no (more) storage space!
A 2006-02-19: @ alia...storage space habe ich schon fuer Lagerflaeche...
A 2006-02-19: storage space
Q 2004-08-29: Countertop with a black plastic extruded glass rail provides convenient st...
A 2003-10-03: storage space buried/burrowed in the ground

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