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English-German translation for: story
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Dictionary English German: story

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NOUN   a story | stories
SYNO   floor | level | storey | story ... 
NOUN   die Story | die Storys/[alt auch] Stories
SYNO   Anekdote | Erzählung | Geschichte ... 
story [tale]
Geschichte {f} [Erzählung]
Erzählung {f}
archi. constr. story [Am.]
Stockwerk {n}
story [coll.] [lie]
Märchen {n} [ugs.] [Lügengeschichte]
archi. constr. story [Am.]
Stock {m} [Stockwerk]
archi. constr. story [Am.]
Geschoss {n}
journ. RadioTV story [news story, report]
Bericht {m} [Reportage]
Begebenheit {f} [geh.] [Geschichte]
archi. constr. story [Am.]
Etage {f}
Story {f}
journ. publ. story
Artikel {m}
Schwank {m}
story [life story]
Lebensgeschichte {f}
journ. lit. nonstoryNicht-Story {f} [auch: Nichtstory] [Non-Story, Nonstory]
2 Words: Others
A likely story! [idiom] [ironic]Wer's glaubt, wird selig. [Redewendung]
A likely story! [idiom] [ironic]Wers glaubt, wird selig. [Redewendung]
archi. constr. RealEst. eight-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]achtstöckig
archi. constr. RealEst. five-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]fünfetagig
archi. constr. RealEst. five-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]fünfgeschossig
archi. constr. RealEst. five-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]fünfstöckig
archi. constr. multi-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]mehretagig
archi. constr. multi-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]mehrgeschossig
archi. constr. multi-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]mehrstöckig
archi. constr. multi-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]mit mehreren Stockwerken [nachgestellt]
archi. constr. RealEst. seven-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]siebengeschossig
archi. constr. RealEst. seven-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]siebenstöckig
archi. constr. RealEst. single-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]eingeschossig
archi. constr. RealEst. single-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]einstöckig
archi. constr. RealEst. six-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]sechsgeschossig
archi. constr. RealEst. six-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]sechsstöckig
archi. constr. RealEst. ten-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]zehngeschossig
archi. constr. RealEst. ten-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]zehnstöckig
archi. constr. RealEst. three-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]dreietagig
archi. constr. RealEst. three-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]dreigeschossig
archi. constr. three-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]dreistöckig
archi. constr. twin-story {adj} [Am.]doppelstöckig
archi. constr. two-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]doppelgeschossig
archi. constr. two-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]doppelstöckig
archi. constr. two-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]zweigeschossig
archi. constr. two-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]zweistöckig
2 Words: Nouns
film lit. (story) arcHandlungsbogen {m}
lit. adventure storyAbenteuergeschichte {f}
lit. adventure storyAbenteuerroman {m}
amusing storyunterhaltsame Geschichte {f}
lit. animal storyTierfabel {f}
lit. animal storyTiergeschichte {f}
another storyeine andere Geschichte {f}
atrocity storyGräuelmärchen {n}
atrocity storyGreuelmärchen {n} [alt]
atrocity storySchauergeschichte {f}
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A 2022-06-20: Aha! That's a different story, then! (and forget my try yesterday 22:54)
A 2020-10-24: +The Beat is the smallest unit of Story+ > Handlungselement, Bestandteil d...
Q 2020-04-17: "spielen in" (Story etc.) --> "play in"?
A 2020-01-29: the same old story...
A 2019-06-06: hard-luck life, hard-luck story
A 2018-12-30: PS: +Cyclists are 15 times more likely than drivers to be killed on UK roa...
A 2018-12-21: hoping that that the FF paper will print an article / a story by the 3rd man
A 2018-04-20: http://www.heute.at/politik/news/story/Wolfgang-Zanger-FP--Wut-Rede-Parlam...
A 2018-03-15: Basically, it seems to mean +to cut a long story short.+ Other meanings fo...
A 2017-11-16: Silly story
Q 2017-04-29: The Donald's story told a little sideways? http://www.bbc.co.uk/programme...
A 2016-12-25: +cattle grate+ in Australian story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KMSHI5zZGQ
A 2016-11-13: West Side Story
Q 2016-11-13: West Side Story
A 2016-11-02: Not a detective story, but this is what I first thought of -
A 2016-08-18: You don't have to apologize, themadhatter. I thought of that story as well :)
Q 2016-07-19: to fade the story - to fade the news
A 2016-06-26: a pictorial story, a picture book in graphic format
Q 2016-06-03: A story from Sweden
A 2016-05-09: story of your life

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