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Dictionary English German: stove

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NOUN   a stove | stoves
VERB  to stave | stove/staved | stove/staved ... 
SYNO   cooking stove | kitchen range ... 
sb. stove sth.jd. schlug ein Loch in etw.
stove {past-p}ein Loch geschlagen
hort. to stove sth. [put in a greenhouse]etw. ins Treibhaus stellen
gastr. stove
Herd {m}
Ofen {m}
gastr. stove
Küchenherd {m}
stove [to heat a living room]
Stubenofen {m} [veraltet]
2 Words: Others
stove-enamelled {adj} [Br.]einbrennlackiert
2 Words: Verbs
ind. to stove bricksZiegel brennen
2 Words: Nouns
alcohol stoveSpirituskocher {m}
baroque stoveBarockofen {m}
TrVocab. camp stoveCampingkocher {m}
TrVocab. camping stoveCampingkocher {m}
camping stoveGasbrenner {m}
camping stoveGaskocher {m}
gastr. ceran stove [CERAN®]Ceranherd {m} [CERAN® ist eine eingetragene Marke der SCHOTT AG]
coal stoveKohlenofen {m}
cooking stoveKochherd {m}
gastr. cooking stoveKüchenherd {m}
cowper stoveWinderhitzer {m}
electr. gastr. electric stoveElektroherd {m}
electric stoveelektrischer Herd {m}
Franklin stoveFranklin-Ofen {m} [ein mit Metall ausgeschlagener, zur Frontseite hin offener Kamin]
gas stoveGasherd {m}
gas stove [Br.]Gasofen {m} [zum Heizen]
gasoline stove [Am.]Benzinkocher {m}
heating stoveHeizofen {m}
gastr. tech. hobo stoveHobokocher {m} [auch: Hobo-Kocher]
gastr. tech. hobo stoveHobo-Ofen {m} [auch: Hoboofen]
electr. gastr. induction stoveInduktionsherd {m}
kerosene stovePetroleumkocher {m}
gastr. kitchen stoveKochherd {m}
gastr. kitchen stoveKüchenherd {m}
hist. kitchen stove [old style]Kochmaschine {f}
tech. oil stoveÖlofen {m} [Haustechnik]
paraffin stove [Br.]Paraffinofen {m}
paraffin stove [Br.]Petroleumkocher {m}
pellet stovePelletofen {m}
petrol stove [Br.]Benzinkocher {m}
furn. porcelain stovePorzellanofen {m}
portable stove [e.g. spirit stove]tragbarer Kocher {m} [z. B. Spirituskocher]
potbellied stoveKanonenofen {m}
potbelly stoveKanonenofen {m}
gastr. TrVocab. Primus® (stove)Primuskocher {m} [Primus®]
gastr. TrVocab. Primus® (stove) [traditional type]Petroleumkocher {m}
gastr. tech. rocket stoveRaketenherd {m}
gastr. tech. rocket stoveRaketenofen {m}
gastr. tech. rocket stoveRocket Stove {m}
room stove [Br.]Cheminéeofen {m} [schweiz.] [Kaminofen]
sauna stoveSaunaofen {m}
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A 2013-08-30: stove
Q 2013-08-30: kitchen stove
A 2013-06-06: What about +Bollerofen > cast-iron heating stove?+
A 2013-06-06: A pot-bellied stove was the first thing I thought of, too,
A 2013-06-06: @wenz: the closest U.S. equivalent is the "pot-bellied stove."
A 2010-10-05: Lisa's got it. "Tiled heated foot rest" could work here, since "tiled sto...
A 2009-01-03: Potbelly stove
A 2009-01-03: Potbelly stove
Q 2009-01-03: potbelly stove
A 2007-09-11: A stove can be something you cook on or something for heating -
A 2007-09-11: Now I am confused: What's an oven? What's the stove?
A 2007-09-11: @romy: ein "stove" ist ein Ofen zum Heizen. Zum Backen nimmt man einen "oven"
A 2007-07-27: Vogelherd > fowling floor, Ofenloch > oven/stove mouth, stokehole
A 2007-05-20: Wood burning stove is also quite common.
A 2007-05-20: fire place/stove
A 2006-12-29: do you mean something you put on top of the stove?
A 2006-04-05: fresh from the oven / stove
A 2006-02-03: @rkcba: I had to do some sawing and chopping in order to feed the stove wi...
A 2004-12-11: could be either potter or stove-fitter
A 2004-06-16: also: stove inset

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