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English-German translation for: straight from the horse's mouth
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Dictionary English German: straight from the horse's mouth

Translation 1 - 50 of 76098  >>

idiom straight from the horse's mouthaus erster Hand
straight from the horse's mouth {adv} [idiom]direkt aus der Quelle
straight from the horse's mouth {adv} [idiom]direkt von der Quelle
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idiom to hear from horse's mouthaus erster Hand erfahren
proverb Don't / Never look a gift horse in the mouth.Einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul.
(straight) from the shoulder {adv}geradeheraus [ugs.]
straight from the socketdirekt aus der Steckdose
ind. straight from the factory {adj} [postpos.]fabrikfrisch
straight from the factory {adj} [postpos.]fabrikneu
straight from the shoulder {adv} [fig.]unverblümt
From your mouth to God's ears! [idiom]Dein Wort in Gottes Ohr! [Redewendung]
straying from the straight and narrowIrrsal {n} [poet.]
to stray from the straight and narrow [idiom]aufs falsche Gleis geraten [Redewendung]
to stray from the straight and narrow [idiom]vom rechten Weg abgehen [fig.]
to stray from the straight and narrow [idiom]vom rechten Weg abkommen [fig.]
to stray from the straight and narrow [idiom]von der rechten Bahn abkommen [Redewendung]
to suffer from diarrhea of the mouth [Am.] [coll.](einen) Dünnschiss {m} reden [vulg.]
equest. to be thrown from one's horsevom Pferd geworfen werden
equest. to be thrown from the horseabgeworfen werden
to put one's head in the lion's mouth [idiom]sich in die Höhle des Löwen begeben [Redewendung]
to raise the glass to one's mouthdas Glas zum Mund führen
idiom to take the bread out of sb.'s mouthjdn. brotlos machen
to take the bread out of sb.'s mouth [fig.]jdm. die Butter vom Brot nehmen [fig.] [Redewendung]
idiom to take the words (right) out of sb.'s mouthjdm. das Wort aus dem Mund nehmen
idiom to take the bread out of sb.'s mouth [esp. Br.]jdm. das Wasser abgraben
film F John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness [John Carpenter]Die Mächte des Wahnsinns
equest. hyperflexion of the horse's neckHyperflexion {f} des Pferdehalses [bei der Pferdedressur]
to come straight from Londongeradewegs aus London kommen
to be pitched over the horse's headkopfüber abgeworfen werden
a lawyer straight from universityein frischgebackener Rechtsanwalt {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
straight from central casting {adj} [postpos.] [idiom]wie aus dem Bilderbuch [nachgestellt]
to be repeated from mouth to mouthweitererzählt werden
to live from hand to mouth [idiom]von der Hand in den Mund leben [Redewendung]
They live from hand to mouth. [idiom]Sie leben von der Hand in den Mund. [Redewendung]
It was straight / all downhill from there. [idiom]Von da an ging's bergab. [Idiom]
We must live from hand to mouth. [idiom]Wir müssen von der Hand in den Mund leben. [Redewendung]
a scene that could have come straight from a movieeine filmreife Szene {f} [fig.]
equest. to alight from a horsevom Pferd steigen
from the company's standpoint {adv}vom Standpunkt des Unternehmens
from the killer's perspective {adv}aus der Perspektive des Mörders
from the viewer's perspective {adv}aus Betrachtersicht
from the viewer's point {adv}aus Betrachtersicht
idiom sports to scratch a horse (from a race)ein Pferd von einem Rennen zurückziehen
from the company's own resourcesaus Gesellschaftsmitteln
idiom sports to withdraw / scratch a horse from a raceein Pferd aus dem Rennen nehmen
from the viewer's point of view {adv}aus Betrachtersicht
to read sb.'s fortune from the cardsjdm. die Karten legen [Redewendung]
econ. to satisfy one's claim from the securityseinen Anspruch aus der Sicherheit befriedigen
lit. to see things from the reader's perspectivesich in den Leser hineinversetzen
lit. to see things from the reader's perspectivesich in die Sichtweise des Lesers hineinversetzen
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