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English-German translation for: straight-A
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Dictionary English German: straight A

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educ. straight-A studentEinserschüler {m}
educ. straight-A student [female]Einserschülerin {f}
educ. straight-A student [coll.]Überflieger {m} [ugs.]
a straight choiceeine klare Wahl {f}
in a straight line {adv}geraden Weges
(as) straight as a die {adj}kerzengerade
(as) straight as a die {adj}schnurgerade
idiom as straight as a dartpfeilgerade
as straight as a diepfeilgerade
as straight as a pole {adj}kerzengerade
idiom as straight as a postkerzengerade
hunting zool. to run a straight line [esp. fox]schnüren
as straight as a die {adj} [fig.]grundanständig
as straight as a die {adj} [idiom]grundehrlich
to keep a straight face [idiom]keine Miene verziehen
educ. to only get straight A'snur Einsen bekommen
(as) straight as a poker {adj} [postpos.] [idiom]kerzengerade
fin. to depreciate on a straight-line basislinear abschreiben
idiom (as) straight as a diegerade wie ein Strich
to get straight A's [Am.]alles mit Eins bestehen [ugs.]
educ. to only get straight A'snur Einser bekommen [österr.] [regional]
a lawyer straight from universityein frischgebackener Rechtsanwalt {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
to have a straight talk (with sb.)mit jdm. Tacheles reden [ugs.] [Redewendung]
a scene that could have come straight from a movieeine filmreife Szene {f} [fig.]
educ. straight "A" student [coll.]Einser-Schüler / -Student {m} [ugs.]
math. in a straight line {adv}in einer geraden Linie
math. in a straight line {adv}in gerader Linie
math. (general form of the) equation of a straight line(allgemeine Form der) Geradengleichung {f}
mus. straight muteStraight-Dämpfer {m}
film F The Straight Story [David Lynch]Eine wahre GeschichteThe Straight Story
straight {adj} {adv}direkt
straight {adj}ehrlich
straight {adj} {adv}gerade
straight {adv}geradeaus
straight {adv}geradewegs
straight {adj} {adv}geradlinig
straight {adj}ordentlich
straight {adv}unmittelbar
straight {adj}unverfälscht
games straightStraße {f}
straight {adj}in Ordnung
straight {adj}rechtschaffen [veraltend]
straight {adv}schnurstracks [ugs.]
straight {adj} [frank]offen
straight {adj} [undiluted]unverdünnt
straight {adj} [coll.]heterosexuell
straight {adj} [conventional]konventionell
straight [coll.]Heterosexueller {m}
dead straight {adj}pfeilgerade
dead straight {adj}schnurgerade
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Q 2024-04-16: curly apostrophe, curly quotes, straight apostrophe, straight quotes
A 2021-03-16: Here it is +Klemmfalz > draught slot+ / and here +gerader und Quetschfalz ...
A 2017-01-09: Meinst Du "straight away" und "straightaway" ?
Q 2017-01-09: Straight away [Br.]
A 2013-08-14: @Dragonfly: Yoda is as straight as they come. He would never invert word o...
Q 2012-08-16: might be standing straight and tall in front of their eyes.
Q 2012-06-24: Six Girls all from my street picked on me straight awy was bedeutet das au...
A 2012-03-14: I got the McDonald's reference straight away, but not the Starbucks one,
A 2011-08-13: Choose as straight a road/route as possible ?
A 2011-07-09: Straight away means +sofort,+ so that isn't what you want.
A 2011-06-29: To set the record straight about "Hitler is not a bad man."
Q 2010-12-19: get straight A's
A 2010-12-15: We would have rather opened the presents straight away and as quickly as p...
A 2010-06-29: If sentence 2 comes straight after sentence 1, then I would use these (as ...
A 2010-05-24: Betonbatschen exists in Vienna. These are concrete slippers and they help ...
A 2010-02-16: Note: +gleich+ is without emphasis, putting +right / straight away+ where ...
A 2010-02-16: Or else: Are you right / straight away going back to school?
A 2010-02-11: 'straight across' means the tongue has a blunt end instead of a pointed one.
Q 2010-02-11: straight across
A 2009-08-27: Hmm... "straight and easy to work with" is my suggestion -

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