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English-German translation for: strict
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Dictionary English German: strict

Translation 1 - 50 of 123  >>

English German
ADJ   strict | more strict | most strict
SYNO   rigorous | strict | nonindulgent ... 
strict {adj}
strict {adj}
strict {adj}
strict {adj}
strict {adj}
strict {adj}
straff [streng]
strict {adj}
pingelig [ugs.]
strict {adj}
strict {adj} [discipline]
stramm [energisch]
strict {adj} [e.g. discipline]
eisern [fig.] [unnachgiebig]
strict {adj} [of people; severe]
gestreng [veraltend] [auch hum. oder ironisch]
strict {adj}peinlich genau
2 Words: Others
less strict {adj}lascher [weniger streng]
2 Words: Nouns
strict calculationgenaue Berechnung {f}
strict Catholicstrenggläubiger Katholik {m}
strict censorshipstrenge Zensur {f}
strict confinementstrenge Haft {f}
strict conformitygenaue Übereinstimmung {f}
strict constructionenge Auslegung {f} [z. B. eines Gesetzes]
strict constructionstrenge Auslegung {f} [z. B. eines Gesetzes]
strict constructionwörtliche Auslegung {f} [z. B. eines Gesetzes]
mus. strict counterpointstrenger Kontrapunkt {m}
strict curfewstrenge Ausgangssperre {f}
strict denialglatte Ablehnung {f}
strict denialkategorische Ablehnung {f}
philos. strict determinismstrenger Determinismus {m}
strict dietstrenge Diät {f}
strict disciplinarianPreuße {m} [ugs.] [fig.] [disziplinierte Person]
strict disciplineeiserne Disziplin {f}
strict disciplinestrenge Disziplin {f}
strict disciplinestrikte Disziplin {f} [strenge Disziplin]
relig. strict enclosurestrenge Klausur {f}
strict fatherstrenger Vater {m}
strict guidelinesstrenge Richtlinien {pl}
math. strict inequalityechte Ungleichung {f}
math. strict inequalitystrenge Ungleichung {f}
math. strict inequalitystrikte Ungleichung {f}
strict instructionsgenaue Anweisungen {pl}
strict interpretationstrenge Auslegung {f}
strict investigationgenaue Nachforschung {f}
law strict liabilityErfolgshaftung {f}
law strict liabilityGefährdungshaftung {f}
law strict liabilityverschuldensunabhängige Haftung {f}
strict measuresstrenge Maßnahmen {pl}
strict moralitySittenstrenge {f}
strict morals {pl}strenge Moral {f}
strict necessariesunentbehrliche Unterhaltsmittel {pl}
strict neutralityabsolute Neutralität {f}
strict neutralitystrikte Neutralität {f}
strict obediencegenaue Befolgung {f}
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A 2017-03-07: I don't think there is anything as strict as a grammatical rule for this,
A 2016-05-06: No. The English language has strict rules for that.
Q 2016-04-29: We apply strict quality control measures to all of our services.
A 2016-04-17: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22*+parents+are+very+strict+with+*%22
A 2015-10-28: In Austria a strict licensing regime is in place. A shop that sells firear...
A 2013-07-03: rigorous/hard-edged/strict (?)
A 2012-03-15: By imposing strict rules, he wants to protect A. from hell
A 2012-03-13: very strict with himself .... yes you can
A 2012-03-03: Typo (18:50) ... strict +guidelines+ ... Lo and behold, politicos have dis...
A 2012-01-24: http://www.google.com.hk/search?hl=en&safe=strict&client=firefox-a&hs=z3M&...
A 2011-08-28: Anyway, no strict standards are to be applied to the opportunity to take n...
A 2011-07-17: http://www.google.com.hk/search?hl=en&safe=strict&client=firefox-a&hs=TCc&...
A 2011-02-18: Is there such a strict difference in usage between anrufen and telefonieren?
A 2011-02-18: Only if you apply strict logic, Mr. Spock.
A 2010-11-12: thanks for the strict liability
A 2010-11-12: strict
A 2010-03-20: Tina is too strict. In spoken language, most people blur the einen/eine/ei...
Q 2009-10-28: to apply a fairly strict test ?
A 2009-08-04: German grammar is very strict about cases
A 2009-06-22: A woman who follows a strict routine ?

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