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English-German translation for: strongly
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Dictionary English German: strongly

Translation 1 - 53 of 53

English German
SYNO   powerfully | strongly
strongly {adv}
strongly {adv}
strongly {adv}
strongly {adv}
strongly {adv}
strongly {adv}
strongly {adv}
strongly {adv}nachdrücklich
2 Words: Others
biol. growing strongly {adj} {pres-p} [postpos.]wuchskräftig
less strongly {adv}schwächer
less strongly {adv}weniger stark
less strongly {adv}nicht so stark
chem. strongly acidified {adj} {past-p}stark angesäuert
math. strongly closed {adj}stark abgeschlossen
math. strongly convergent {adj}stark konvergent
strongly curved {adj}stark gebogen [z. B. medizinisches Instrumentarium]
strongly impressed {adj} [person]tief beeindruckt
strongly influenced {adj} {past-p}stark beeinflusst
med. strongly intoxicated {adj}stark angetrunken
strongly recommended {adj}dringend empfohlen
strongly recommended {adj}nachdrücklich empfohlen
math. strongly resolvable {adj} [design]stark auflösbar [Blockplan; endliche Geometrie]
comp. strongly typed {adj}streng typisiert
math. stat. strongly unique {adj}stark eindeutig
very strongly {adv} [condemn, support, etc.]ganz entschieden [verurteilen, unterstützen etc.]
2 Words: Verbs
to advance stronglykräftig anziehen
to attract stronglystark anziehen
to condemn sth. stronglyetw. scharf verurteilen
to emphasize sth. stronglyetw. stark hervorheben
3 Words: Others
more strongly linked {adj}stärker gebunden
more strongly refuted {adj}stärker widerlegt
3 Words: Verbs
to be strongly against sth.strikt gegen etw. sein
to be strongly-builtkräftig gebaut sein
to come out stronglysich als stark erweisen
to contrast strongly with sth.in starkem Gegensatz zu etw. stehen
to contrast strongly with sth.sich stark von etw. abheben / unterscheiden
to feel strongly about sth.entschiedene Ansichten über etw.Akk. haben
to feel strongly about sth.eine entschiedene Meinung zu etw.Dat. haben
3 Words: Nouns
strongly built personkräftig gebaute Person {f}
math. strongly connected component <SCC>stark zusammenhängende Komponente {f}
equest. strongly-built horsestark gebautes Pferd {n}
strongly-worded protestscharfer Protest {m}
4 Words: Verbs
to be (strongly) associated with sth.mit etw.Dat. in (enger) Verbindung stehen
to be strongly linked to sth.eng mit etw.Dat. verbunden sein
to complain most vehemently / stronglymit allem Nachdruck reklamieren
to strongly advise against doing sth.stark davon abraten, etw. zu tun
5+ Words: Others
I cannot emphasise strongly enough ... [Br.]Ich kann nicht stark genug betonen, ...
It is strongly advised that ...Es wird dringend dazu geraten, dass ...
It is strongly advised to ...Es wird dringend angeraten, ...
It is strongly recommended that ...Es wird dringend empfohlen, dass ...
5+ Words: Verbs
to be (strongly) in favour of sth. [Br.]etw.Akk. (sehr) befürworten
5+ Words: Nouns
math. strongly continuous (one-parameter) semigroupstark stetige Halbgruppe {f}
math. strongly continuous one-parameter semigroupstark stetige Operatorhalbgruppe {f}
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A 2023-11-29: she protested strongly against these suspicions
A 2017-07-30: "strongly suspected" seems to be BE
A 2017-07-30: they are strongly suspected (of s.th.)
A 2017-05-29: Thus I strongly support Wenz's practice of writing "of (the)" for such entries.
A 2016-11-16: +simonchik, dearest,+ Feeling strongly about something does not improve yo...
A 2016-08-05: In avoidance of reading the article, I strongly recommend reading the book.
A 2015-11-08: Wow, Jim, you don't usually come across so strongly.
A 2015-08-24: We caution strongly against interpretING the above results as they stand.
A 2015-02-15: strongly support / back / be in favour of .... , indeed.
A 2014-10-23: dann "increasingly on the upturn"? "performed increasingly strongly"? w...
A 2014-08-05: in strongly worded terms, in plain-spoken / no-nonsense terms
A 2013-11-03: It had imposed itself so strongly I could no longer ignore it.
A 2013-11-03: strongly imposed itself
A 2013-11-03: a decision that massively / strongly imposed itself
A 2013-06-27: ... are not so / that strongly pronounced ...?
A 2013-03-26: Yes, he would. But to me, +richten+ strongly implies a static aiming, neve...
Q 2012-11-26: Strongly agree/disagree with smth.
A 2012-09-06: Yes, I strongly agree with ddr
Q 2012-06-07: Are a) and b) alike proper English? To what extent do they perhaps differ ...
A 2011-11-19: Lisa4dict and others confirm the difficulties of admitting *strongly accen...

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