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English-German translation for: style of speech
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Dictionary English German: style of speech

Translation 1 - 50 of 65178  >>

NOUN   a style of speech | styles of speech
style of speechRedestil {m}
ling. style of speechSprachstil {m}
Partial Matches
bluntness of speechDerbheit {f} der Sprache
coarseness of speechRauheit {f} der Sprache
conclusion of speechSchluss {m} der Rede
pol. convention of speechSprachregelung {f}
ling. cultivation of speechKultivierung {f} des Sprechens
phonet. psych. development of speechSprachentwicklung {f}
ling. med. disturbance of speechSprachstörung {f}
biol. faculty of speechSprachfähigkeit {f} [Sprachvermögen]
biol. faculty of speechSprachvermögen {n}
ling. rhet. figure of speechFigur {f} [rhetorische Figur]
ling. lit. figure of speechRedefigur {f}
ling. figure of speechRedensart {f}
ling. figure of speechRedewendung {f}
ling. rhet. figure of speechSprachfigur {f}
lit. figure of speechsprachliches Bild {n}
rhet. figures of speechSprachbilder {pl}
flow (of speech)Redefluss {m}
pol. freedom of speechFreiheit {f} der Rede
freedom of speechMeinungsfreiheit {f} [Redefreiheit]
freedom of speechRedefreiheit {f}
liberty of speechRedefreiheit {f}
anat. organ of speechSprachorgan {n}
organ of speechSprachwerkzeug {n}
anat. organ of speechSprechorgan {n}
organs of speechSprachorgane {pl}
organs of speechSprechorgane {pl}
organs of speechSprechwerkzeuge {pl}
part of speechRedeteil {m} [veraltet]
part of speechWortart {f}
ling. phonet. perception of speechSprachwahrnehmung {f}
platitude of speechSeichtigkeit {f} der Rede
psych. poverty of speechSprachverarmung {f}
power of speechSprachfähigkeit {f}
readiness of speechRedegewandtheit {f}
recognition of speechSpracherkennung {f}
speech of praiseLobrede {f}
speech of thanksDankesrede {f}
ling. turn of speechRedewendung {f}
audio understanding of speechSprachauffassen {n}
med. incapable of speech {adj} [postpos.]sprechunfähig
med. apraxia of speech <AOS>Apraxie {f} der Sprachwerkzeuge
to be slow of speechlangsam reden
to be slow of speechlangsam sprechen
assumptive tone of speechanmaßender Gesprächston {m}
burden of a speechLeitgedanke {m} einer Rede
med. disorder of speech developmentSprachentwicklungsstörung {f} <SES>
med. disorder of speech fluencyRedeflussstörung {f}
draft of a speechEntwurf {m} einer Rede
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