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English-German translation for: stylistic
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Dictionary English German: stylistic

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
ADJ   stylistic | more stylistic | most stylistic
stylistic {adj}
stylistic {adj}Stil-
2 Words
art lit. mus. stylistic analysisStilanalyse {f}
stylistic assuranceStilsicherheit {f}
stylistic changeStilwandel {m}
stylistic characteristicsStilmerkmale {pl}
stylistic choicestilistische Lösung {f}
stylistic commandStilsicherheit {f}
stylistic conceptStilbegriff {m}
archi. stylistic developmentStilentwicklung {f}
lit. stylistic deviceStilfigur {f}
film lit. theatre stylistic deviceStilmittel {n}
ling. lit. rhet. stylistic device [rhetorical device]rhetorisches Mittel {n}
stylistic directionStilrichtung {f}
stylistic diversityStilvielfalt {f}
art lit. mus. stylistic elementStilelement {n}
art lit. mus. stylistic eraStilepoche {f}
stylistic featureStilmerkmal {n}
art lit. mus. stylistic inconsistencyStilbruch {m}
art lit. mus. stylistic periodStilperiode {f}
art stylistic purityStilreinheit {f}
stylistic senseStilempfinden {n}
stylistic senseStilgefühl {n}
stylistic sensesStilgefühle {pl}
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Q 2014-10-27: stylistic preferences
A 2012-10-01: Agree with the stylistic tension comment. I assumed that irony was not int...
A 2012-08-14: The great stylistic gulf
Q 2012-05-23: What English -- that in a or rather that in b -- would you prefer on what ...
Q 2011-10-19: Another stylistic question
A 2011-05-24: It seems correct. But perhaps a couple of stylistic changes?
A 2009-02-17: korrigieren; technology; German; technical; stylistic; similar;
A 2009-01-08: stylistic device
A 2008-12-22: I have no clue / Ich habe keine Ahnung: Leaving it like this is a rhetoric...
A 2007-08-13: none other than stylistic, I would say....
A 2007-06-23: Stylistic device
A 2007-05-07: Experienced emotions are taken to absurd levels by means of stylistic devices
Q 2007-05-07: stylistic means
A 2007-03-15: Research will be limited to those stylistic elements that are...
A 2006-12-29: "stylistic assurance", "style-security", "style proof"?
A 2006-12-07: A success, preceded by brave stylistic emancipation in small steps
A 2006-11-17: style/stylistic acuity ?
A 2006-02-13: 'to walk on foot' would be rubbish, if there were - for emphasis - no such...
A 2005-11-02: Different languages have different stylistic standards
A 2005-06-01: A stylistic alternative and grammar correction:

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