Dictionary English ↔ German: Subject "EU" | Translation 1 - 50 of 1554 >> |
 | English  | German |  |
 | EU oenol. to enrich sth. [grape juice or must with sugar] [chaptalize] | etw. mit Zucker anreichern [Traubensaft, Most] [chaptalisieren] |  |
Nouns |
 | EU [(identification) code of the institution] | Institutionskennzeichen {n} <IK-Nummer, IKNR> |  |
 | EU law [law on the regulation of labour migration] [Br.] | 5 Arbeitsmigrationssteuerungsgesetz {n} |  |
 | automot. EU [part II of the registration certificate] | Zulassungsbescheinigung {f} Teil II [Fahrzeugbrief] |  |
 | EU beige [RAL 1001] | 16 Beige {n} [RAL 1001] |  |
 | EU pharm. QM bioburden | mikrobielle Belastung {f} |  |
 | EU neol. Brexit [short for: British exit from the EU] | 12 Brexit {m} [EU-Austritt Großbritanniens] |  |
 | EU chimney [acc. to BS EN 15287: Design, installation and commissioning of chimneys] | Abgasanlage {f} [nach DIN EN 15287: Planung, Montage und Abnahme von Abgasanlagen] |  |
 | EU gastr. cognac [also capitalized; brandy from Cognac, France] | 40 Cognac® {m} [geschützte Herkunftsangabe] |  |
 | EU QM complainant | 37 Beanstandender {m} |  |
 | EU spec. consilium | Consilium {n} |  |
 | EU law controller [GDPR] | Verantwortlicher {m} [DSGVO] |  |
 | EU law pol. convergence [harmonization] | 188 Angleichung {f} |  |
 | EU creme [RAL 9001] | Cremeweiß {n} [RAL 9001] |  |
 | EU curry [RAL 1027] [curry yellow] | Currygelb {n} [RAL 1027] |  |
 | EU law database [as subject of EU database copyright] | 27 Datenbankwerk {n} |  |
 | EU FireResc traffic eCall [short for: emergency call; automated emergency call system for motor vehicles in the EU] | eCall [meist ohne Artikel, seltener {m}] [automatisches Notrufsystem für Kraftfahrzeuge in der EU] |  |
 | EU Eurobarometer | Eurobarometer {n} |  |
 | EU Eurocode <EC> | 5 Eurocode {m} <EC> |  |
 | EU pol. Eurocrat | 6 Eurokrat {m} |  |
 | EU pol. Eurocrat [female] | Eurokratin {f} |  |
 | EU pol. Eurocrats | Eurokraten {pl} |  |
 | econ. EU fin. Eurogroup | 7 Eurogruppe {f} [auch: Euro-Gruppe] |  |
 | curr. econ. EU Euroland | 21 Euroland {n} |  |
 | EU neol. europass | Europass {m} [kurz für: Europäischer Bildungspass] [auch: europass, EUROPASS] |  |
 | EU Europass | Europäischer Bildungspass {m} |  |
 | EU Euroregion | 7 Euregio {f} |  |
 | EU pol. euroscepticism | Euroskepsis {f} |  |
 | curr. econ. EU Eurozone | 17 Euroland {n} |  |
 | curr. econ. EU eurozone | Eurozone {f} |  |
 | agr. EU law farmer | Inhaber {m} eines landwirtschaftlichen Betriebs |  |
 | agr. EU farmers | Inhaber {pl} landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe [EU-Jargon zur Vermeidung des Wortes "Bauer"] |  |
 | EU gastr. gastronorm <GN> | Gastro-Norm {f} <GN> |  |
 | EU Girsac® [packaging system for citrus fruits, etc.] | Girsac® {m} [fachspr.] [Verpackungswesen, Lebensmittelhandel] [Kunststoffnetz] |  |
 | econ. EU Grexit [portmanteau combining the words Greece and exit, referring to the possibility that Greece could leave the Eurozone] | 7 Grexit {m} [Kunstwort aus Greece und exit; möglicher Austritt Griechenlands aus der Euro-Zone] |  |
 | EU sociol. immigrant | 9 Migrant {m} |  |
 | EU pol. intergovernmentalism | Intergouvernementalismus {m} |  |
 | EU pol. intergovernmentalism | Intergovernmentalismus {m} |  |
 | EU ivory [RAL 1014] | 14 Elfenbein {n} [RAL 1014] |  |
 | EU gastr. marmalade | 480 Marmelade {f} [aus Zitrusfrüchten] |  |
 | EU nay [pictogram indicating sth. is not permitted] [prohibition sign] | 6 Verbotszeichen {n} [Piktogramm, das auf ein Verbot hinweist] |  |
 | EU spec. notification | 8 Notifikation {f} |  |
 | EU neol. planespotter [hobbyist] | Flugzeugbeobachter {m} |  |
 | EU MedTech. pharm. preparation [of radiopharmaceuticals] [GMP] | Zubereiten {n} [Herstellung anwendungsbereiter radioaktiver Arzneimittel] [GMP] |  |
 | EU QM record [ISO 9000:2000] | 47 Aufzeichnung {f} [ISO 9000:2000] |  |
 | ecol. EU pharm. recovery [e.g. solvent, mother liquor] | 6 Wiederverwertung {f} |  |
 | EU QM repeatability [ISO] | 65 Wiederholbarkeit {f} [DIN EN ISO] |  |
 | EU QM reproducibility [ISO] | 12 Vergleichbarkeit {f} [DIN EN ISO] |  |
 | EU rose [RAL 3017] | Rosé {n} [RAL 3017] |  |
 | EU pol. Spitzenkandidat [lead candidate] | Spitzenkandidat {m} |  |

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