| English | German | |
| cosmet. 12M [bathroom products / toiletries; time in months by which a product should be used after opening] | 12 M [Haltbarkeitsdatum; Wirksamkeit geöffneter kosmetischer Produkte; in diesem Beispiel: 12 Monate] | |
| cosmet. pharm. astringent {adj} | 258 zusammenziehend | |
| cosmet. backcombed {adj} {past-p} | 6 toupiert | |
| cosmet. brilliantined {adj} | vor Brillantine glänzend [Haare] | |
| cosmet. med. chiropodial {adj} [esp. Am.] | 9 fußpflegerisch | |
| cosmet. oenol. citric {adj} | citrisch | |
| cosmet. citrus {adj} | zitrisch | |
| cosmet. oenol. citrus {adj} [mostly attr.] | citrisch | |
| cosmet. comedogenic {adj} | Poren verstopfend | |
| cosmet. med. cotton {adj} [attr.] [e.g. ball or swab, bud or stick, pad, pliers] | 34 Watte- [z. B. Bausch, Stäbchen, Pad, Pinzette] | |
| cosmet. depilating {adj} {pres-p} | 5 depilierend | |
| cosmet. oenol. floral {adj} [e.g. a floral scent, or taste] | 17 blumig | |
| cosmet. kissproof {adj} [e.g. lipstick] | kussfest [ugs.] [kussecht] [z. B. Lippenstift] | |
| cosmet. manicuring {adj} {pres-p} | manikürend | |
| cosmet. maquillaged {adj} | geschminkt | |
| cosmet. mascaraed {adj} {past-p} | getuscht | |
| cosmet. moisturizing {adj} | 8 feuchtigkeitsspendend | |
| cosmet. moisturizing {adj} | 11 rückfettend | |
| cosmet. noncomedogenic {adj} | die Poren nicht verstopfend | |
| cosmet. med. sanitary {adj} [e.g. article, product, bag, regulations] | 15 Hygiene- [z. B. Artikel, Beutel, Bestimmungen] | |
| cosmet. shadowed {adj} {past-p} [eye make-up] | mit Lidschatten geschminkt | |
| cosmet. shaving {adj} [attr.] [e.g. brush, cream, foam, gear, gel, mug] | Rasier- [z. B. Pinsel, Creme, Schaum, Zeug, Gel, Schale] | |
| anat. cosmet. med. skin {adj} [attr.] [e.g. blemish, cancer, cell, clinic, creme] | 52 Haut- [z. B. Unreinheit, Krebs, Zelle, Klinik, Creme] | |
| cloth. cosmet. smart {adj} | 351 modisch | |
| cosmet. teased {adj} {past-p} [hair] | auftoupiert | |
| cosmet. teased {adj} {past-p} [hair] | 7 toupiert | |
| cosmet. toning {adv} {pres-p} [refreshing] | tonisierend [erfrischend] | |
| cosmet. unperfumed {adj} | 10 unparfümiert | |
| cosmet. unperfumed {adj} | nicht parfümiert | |
Verbs |
| cosmet. to backcomb [hair] [esp. Br.] | 15 toupieren | |
| cosmet. med. to botox sth. [also capitalized] [inject botulinum toxin esp. for cosmetic purposes] | 11 etw.Akk. aufspritzen [z. B. Lippen durch Injektion mit Botox® fülliger machen] | |
| cosmet. med. to botox sth. [also capitalized] [inject botulinum toxin, esp. for cosmetic purposes] | 5 etw.Akk. unterspritzen [mit Botox® aufspritzen] | |
| cosmet. to brand sb. [scarify] | 5 jdn. branden [ein Branding machen] | |
| cosmet. to contour (sth.) [make-up technique] | (etw.Akk.) konturieren [Make-up-Technik] | |
| cosmet. to crimp sth. | 19 etw.Akk. wellen [Haare, mit der Brennschere] | |
| cosmet. to epilate | 109 epilieren | |
| cosmet. med. to exfoliate | 8 exfolieren | |
| biol. cosmet. to exfoliate [cosmetic treatment] | die Haut schälen | |
| cosmet. dent. to floss | Zahnseide benutzen | |
| cosmet. dent. to floss | sichDat. die Zähne mit Zahnseide reinigen | |
| cosmet. to manicure | 24 maniküren | |
| cosmet. to marcel [hair] | 5 ondulieren | |
| cosmet. to mascara | 26 tuschen | |
| cosmet. to moisturize [e.g. skin cream, aloe vera] | Feuchtigkeit spenden [z. B. Hautcreme, Aloe vera] | |
| cosmet. mus. to pluck [guitar, eyebrows etc.] | 1465 zupfen [Gitarre, Augenbrauen usw.] | |
| cosmet. med. to poultice | eine Packung machen | |
| cosmet. to rouge [archaic] [apply rouge to one's cheeks] | Rouge auflegen | |
| cosmet. to rouge sth. [one's cheeks, one's lips] | etw. (rot) schminken [die Wangen, die Lippen] | |
| cosmet. to shampoo | den Kopf waschen | |
| cosmet. to shave sth. [sb.'s neck, armpits, etc.] | 15 etw.Akk. ausrasieren [den Nacken, die Achselhöhlen etc.] | |
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