| English | German | |
| agr. ind. mining abandoned {adj} {past-p} | 63 aufgelassen [nicht mehr in Betrieb] | |
| ind. pharm. bespoke {adj} [esp. Br.] [attr.] | 103 zugeschnitten [maßgeschneidert] [fig.] | |
| ind. bottling {adj} [attr.] [e.g. factory, machine, plant] | Abfüll- [Flaschenabfüll-] [z. B. Betrieb, Maschine, Anlage] | |
| ind. cuttable {adj} [machinable] | zerspanbar | |
| comm. ind. downstream {adj} [at a subsequent stage of a process] | 202 nachgelagert | |
| econ. ind. pharm. drug {adj} [attr.] [e.g. firm, giant, industry] | Pharma- [z. B. Unternehmen, Riese, Industrie] | |
| ind. textil. ennobling {adj} {pres-p} | 21 veredelnd | |
| ind. tech. galvannealed {adj} | 6 Galvannealed- [Feinblech] | |
| ind. tech. galvannealed {adj} | galvannealt [nur attributiv belegt] | |
| ind. tech. galvannealed {adj} | nach dem Verzinken wärmebehandelt | |
| ind. industrial {adj} | 1043 industriell | |
| ind. interorganizational {adj} | zwischenbetrieblich | |
| ind. jobs intraplant {adj} | 28 betriebsintern | |
| econ. ind. intraplant {adj} [attr.] [within the industrial plant] | innerhalb des Betriebs [nachgestellt] | |
| ind. tech. ironworking {adj} | 9 eisenverarbeitend | |
| ind. lined {adj} {past-p} | 104 ausgekleidet | |
| ind. machinable {adj} | zerspanbar | |
| ind. mass {adj} [e.g. production] | 191 fabrikmäßig [z. B. Herstellung; i. S. v. Massen-] | |
| ind. tech. mechanized {adj} | mechanisch [mechanisiert] | |
| ind. tech. metalworking {adj} | 13 metallverarbeitend | |
| comm. ind. packaged {past-p} [separate items as a single unit] | 17 konfektioniert [in gewissen Mengen abgepackt] | |
| ind. pharm. pharmaceutical {adj} [e.g. company, industry, representative] | Pharma- [z. B. Unternehmen, Industrie, Referent] | |
| ind. plant {adj} [attr.] [closure, grounds, manager, etc.] | 13 Werks- [Schließung, Gelände, Leiter etc.] | |
| ind. plant {adj} [attr.] [manager, extension, shutdown, etc.] | 82 Betriebs- [Leiter, Erweiterung, Schließung etc.] | |
| ind. plant {adj} [attr.] [manager, security, etc.] | 40 Werk- [Leiter, Schutz etc.] | |
| ind. sealable {adj} | 8 siegelfähig | |
| ind. sintered {adj} {past-p} | 34 gesintert | |
| ind. tackifying {adj} | Klebe- | |
| engin. ind. tech. tribological {adj} | 59 Verschleiß- | |
| ind. twinwire {adj} | 12 doppelseitig | |
| ind. twinwire {adj} | 10 gleichseitig | |
| ind. tech. unmanned {adj} | mannlos [fachspr.] | |
| ind. material unsintered {adj} | ungesintert | |
| ind. upstream {adj} [fig.] [in a production scheme, closer to manufacturing processes] | 143 vorgelagert | |
| ind. tech. woodworking {adj} | 9 holzverarbeitend | |
Verbs |
| ind. spec. [to decorate a garment with braids, tassels etc.] | 6 posamentieren | |
| ind. to burn sth. [(clinker) bricks, porcelain, enamel] | etw. brennen [Klinker, Porzellan, Emaille] | |
| constr. ind. to calcine | brennen [Kalk] | |
| FoodInd. ind. to can sth. | 31 etw.Akk. eindosen | |
| ind. to chark [obs.] | 16 kohlen [veraltet] | |
| ind. to condition | 87 aufbereiten | |
| ind. mining to cut sth. [slate, stone, marble, etc.] | 14 etw. brechen [Schiefer, Stein, Marmor etc.] | |
| ind. to decommission sth. | etw.Akk. außer Betrieb nehmen | |
| ind. to degas | lüften [einer Form; Kunststoffherstellung] | |
| ind. tech. to demold sth. [Am.] | 9 etw. entformen | |
| ind. tech. to demould sth. [Br.] | 9 etw. entformen | |
| chem. ind. to desilverize sth. | etw. entsilbern | |
| ind. to dip sth. [paper] | 19 etw. schöpfen [Papier] | |
| ind. to discontinue sth. [stop making a product] | die Produktion von etw.Dat. einstellen | |
| ind. to dress [stone] | 13 schleifen | |
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