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English-German translation for: substance
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Dictionary English German: substance

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NOUN   a substance | substances
SYNO   means | substance | meaning | body ... 
Stoff {m} [Substanz]
Substanz {f}
Inhalt {m}
substance [subject matter]
Wesen {n} [Substanz, Gehalt, Kern]
Wesentliches {n}
substance [content]
Gehalt {m} [Substanz, Inhalt]
Material {n}
Wahrheitsgehalt {m}
philos. relig. substance
Wesenheit {f}
the substancedas Wesentliche {n} [Substanz, Kern, Essenz]
2 Words: Others
in substance {adv}sachlich [der Sache nach]
in substance {adv}der Sache nach
2 Words: Nouns
chem. (substance) concentration <c, mol/l, M>Stoffmengenkonzentration {f} <c, mol/l, M>
philos. absolute substance [Spinoza]unbedingte Substanz {f}
absorbent substanceAbsorptionsstoff {m}
active substanceWirkstoff {m}
drugs addictive substanceSuchtmittel {n}
albuminous substanceEiweißkörper {m}
chem. aromatic substanceAromastoff {m}
aromatic substanceDuftstoff {m}
aromatic substanceGeruchsstoff {m}
chem. auxiliary substanceHilfssubstanz {f}
base substanceGrundstoff {m}
chem. basic substanceGrundstoff {m}
anat. basic substanceGrundsubstanz {f}
ecol. biodegradable substancebiologisch abbaubare Substanz {f}
chem. bitter substanceBitterstoff {m}
biol. bone substanceKnochensubstanz {f}
biol. bony substanceKnochengebilde {n}
biol. brain substanceHirnsubstanz {f}
chem. buffer substancePuffersubstanz {f}
med. carcinogenic substancekrebserregende Substanz {f}
carrier substanceTrägersubstanz {f}
chem. chemical substancechemische Substanz {f}
chem. chemical substancechemischer Stoff {m}
pharm. chemotherapeutic (substance)Chemotherapeutikum {n}
clotting substanceGerinnungsstoff {m}
concrete substancefeste Substanz {f}
drugs law controlled substanceRauschgift {n}
controlled substanceRauschmittel {n}
law pharm. controlled substance [Br.]Betäubungsmittel {n}
philos. corporeal substanceKörpersubstanz {f} [Leibniz]
biol. cuticular substanceCuticularsubstanz {f}
dangerous substanceGefahrstoff {m}
dent. dental substanceZahnsubstanz {f}
sports doping substanceDopingmittel {n}
chem. dry substance <DS>Trockensubstanz {f} <TS>
educ. educational substanceBildungsgehalt {m}
elementary substanceGrundbestandteil {m}
biol. med. endogenous substancekörpereigener Stoff {m}
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A 2024-05-18: (a play, film, book, speech) lacking substance / significance / (evtl.) depth
A 2022-10-19: “beef” is indeed substance
A 2019-02-22: Hier der Kontext: https://www.euractiv.com/section/eu-elections-2019/news/...
A 2017-07-24: Ambiguous usage: smear (a) A mark or streak of a greasy or sticky substanc...
A 2016-07-15: vermutlic: im herangezogenen Prüfstoff - in the substance used as a samp...
A 2015-10-30: In substance, a bit complicated — here are some of the niceties
Q 2015-04-18: Substance abuse counselor
A 2015-04-07: metaphysics of subject / metaphysics of substance
A 2015-04-07: https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q=substance+metaphysics any help?
A 2014-11-04: Schwimmstoff > floating matter / solid; Trübstoff > haze substance
A 2014-10-06: ... inasmuch as the applicant's argument regarding the substance of the te...
A 2014-09-23: Of course Sunblind-Duck is right regarding the substance of the statement
A 2014-08-19: lump (compact mass of a substance)
A 2013-08-09: The examination department / section assumes the substance of claim 1 to b...
Q 2013-06-23: Medizinischer E-Learning-Text, Abgabe Montag 11 Uhr, "Substance P" unbekan...
Q 2013-03-28: Cleaning methods of a chemical substance (from safety data sheet)
A 2013-01-13: On the analogy of +Moralin, Banausín+ though, stressed on the last syllabl...
A 2012-07-21: substance abuse?
Q 2012-05-03: controlled substance
A 2011-05-08: more style than substance

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