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English-German translation for: succeed
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Dictionary English German: succeed

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
VERB  to succeed | succeeded | succeeded ... 
SYNO   to come after | to follow | to succeed ... 
to succeed
to succeed
to succeed
to succeed sb.
jdm. nachfolgen
to succeed sb. [follow] [to the throne etc.]
jdm. folgen [auf den Thron etc.]
to succeed sb.
jdn. beerben
to succeed
to succeed [be successful]
reüssieren [geh.]
to succeedErfolg haben
to succeederfolgreich sein
to succeedsein Ziel erreichen
to succeed (sb.) [follow](jdm.) sukzedieren [veraltet] [(im Amt) nachfolgen]
to succeed sb.jds. Nachfolge antreten
2 Words: Others
sb./sth. would succeedjdm./etw. gelänge es
2 Words: Verbs
to succeed asErfolg haben als
to succeed in sth.etw. erreichen
to succeed in sth.etw. schaffen [ugs.]
to succeed with sb.bei jdm. erfolgreich sein
to succeed with sth.bei etw.Dat. Erfolg haben
3 Words: Verbs
to succeed in businessim Geschäft erfolgreich sein
to succeed in doing sth.es schaffen, etw. zu tun
to succeed sb. in officejds. Amt übernehmen
to succeed sb. in officejdm. im Amt nachfolgen
3 Words: Nouns
eagerness to succeedErfolgshunger {m}
eagerness to succeedErfolgswille {m}
pressure to succeedErfolgsdruck {m}
law right to succeedErbrecht {n}
will to succeedErfolgswille {m}
4 Words: Others
He's sure to succeed.Er wird bestimmt Erfolg haben.
May the exercise succeed.Möge die Übung gelingen.
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to be out to succeedauf Erfolg aus sein
educ. to succeed in a testeine Prüfung bestehen
to succeed in one's plansmit seinen Plänen vorankommen
to succeed time and againauf Erfolg abonniert sein [Redewendung] [immer wieder Erfolg haben]
to succeed to a taskeine Aufgabe übernehmen
to succeed to the officeim Amt nachfolgen
to succeed to the thronedie Thronfolge antreten
5+ Words: Others
He can only succeed in doing so ...Dies kann ihm nur gelingen ...
He didn't succeed, but it wasn't for want / lack of trying.Ihm gelang es nicht, doch an Versuchen ließ er es nicht mangeln.
proverb If at first you don't succeed, try, try(, try) again.Wirf die Flinte nicht gleich ins Korn.
If he tried, he would succeed.Wenn er es versuchen würde, würde er es schaffen.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be under pressure to succeedunter Erfolgszwang stehen
to succeed each other / one another [follow after]aufeinanderfolgen
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A 2017-10-29: I can only admire you as you succeed in creating such incredibly challeng...
A 2016-03-24: Watch Yourself Succeed
A 2015-04-08: But I didn't succeed in convincing Mrs. Brown of my proposal
Q 2012-07-11: Can new government measures (to) control the miners succeed?
A 2011-06-05: The trainer must fine-tune the team and motivate it to succeed
A 2011-03-03: The will shapes human beings but it takes courage and endurance to succeed
Q 2011-01-12: singing on the streets?/ succeed in searching for someone?
A 2010-07-18: 'How do they succeed with this task?'
A 2010-04-25: They try, but they don't necessarily succeed
Q 2010-04-13: Voted most likely to... (succeed, become a teenage mother etc...)
A 2009-12-22: If you want to express great uncertainty you could say, 'We just might suc...
A 2009-12-22: leaves only a tiny element of doubt: '...is most likely to succeed.'
A 2009-12-22: sehr stark (so gut wie sicher): is bound to succeed
A 2009-11-13: Ever the pragmatist, I suggest going down the middle with 'succeed.' :-)
A 2009-10-21: We'll certainly manage/succeed to meet for dinner/be in time (depending on...
A 2009-03-23: I stick to my version even if it googles zilch. +tool,+ by the way, may no...
A 2009-03-23: If a mess of potage or a morsel tossed to them did not succeed in assimila...
A 2009-02-20: I would be very keen for us to succeed in meeting the needs of chemists fr...
A 2009-01-04: succeed / maybe even survive ...
A 2008-10-21: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=to+succeed+in+skills&meta= UK Seite

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