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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: suffers
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Dictionary English German: suffers

Translation 1 - 9 of 9

English German
VERB  to suffer | suffered | suffered
suffering | suffers
sb./sth. suffers
jd./etw. leidet
sb. suffers [tolerates]
jd. erduldet
2 Words
sb.'s reputation suffers [from]jds. Ansehen leidet [unter]
3 Words
sb. suffers a lossjd. erleidet einen Verlust
4 Words
because sb. suffers a lossweil jd. einen Verlust erleidet
sb. suffers in the heatjdm. macht die Hitze zu schaffen
5+ Words
med. He / she suffers from Parkinson's.Er / sie leidet an Parkinson. [Parkinsonkrankheit]
med. He suffers from an impairment of the motor nerves.Er ist motorisch gestört.
It suffers from the fact that ...Das krankt daran, dass ...
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A 2021-05-10: ... and then, everything suffers a sea change / turns topsy-turvy / nothin...
A 2013-09-04: Quite. Delivery as such suffers from shortcomings.
A 2013-07-30: This is because the ... suffers a restriction in as far as the special reg...
A 2010-08-17: Every day the airline suffers new losses.
A 2010-05-06: "in other countries" "a sufficient supply of them" "Frau x suffers from "c...
A 2009-11-28: What about the abuse English suffers in the mouths and pages of more or le...
A 2009-04-14: Since there is mankind, it suffers from caries.
A 2008-04-04: It's all politics. Your society as I see it suffers from Post-Thatcherism
A 2008-03-04: but currency /exchange /price suffers a setback
A 2007-09-28: "(S)He is ill/suffers from procrastination"?
A 2006-09-11: Leidtragende(r) = sufferer, one who suffers, the one to suffer, endurer, t...
A 2006-01-23: LINK; steuerschädlich > ? fiscally detrimental (< equally ambiguous as to ...
Q 2004-10-03: suffers from cystic fibrosis
A 2004-03-04: she suffers from tunnel vision

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suffers in the heat
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