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English-German translation for: suggestion
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Dictionary English German: suggestion

Translation 1 - 71 of 71


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NOUN   a suggestion | suggestions
SYNO   prompting | suggestion | hypnotism ... 
NOUN   die Suggestion | die Suggestionen
SYNO   Beeinflussung | Suggestion
Vorschlag {m}
Anregung {f} [Vorschlag]
Hinweis {m}
Andeutung {f}
suggestion [instilled into the mind]
Einflüsterung {f}
psych. suggestion
Suggestion {f}
Wink {m}
2 Words: Others
at sb.'s suggestion {adv}auf jds. Anregung (hin)
2 Words: Verbs
to follow sb.'s suggestionjds. Hinweis folgen
2 Words: Nouns
absurd suggestionabsurder Vorschlag {m}
alternative suggestionAlternativvorschlag {m}
auto-suggestionAutosuggestion {f}
auto-suggestionSelbsteinrede {f}
libr. book suggestionAnschaffungsvorschlag {m} [Bibliothek]
counter suggestion [also: counter-suggestion]Gegenvorschlag {m}
exercise suggestionÜbungsvorschlag {m}
improvement suggestionVerbesserungsvorschlag {m}
layout suggestionLayoutvorschlag {m}
gastr. menu suggestionMenüvorschlag {m}
psych. posthypnotic suggestionposthypnotische Suggestion {f}
practical suggestionpraktikabler Vorschlag {m}
Internet search suggestionSuchvorschlag {m}
serious suggestionernstgemeinter Vorschlag {m} [alt]
serious suggestionernst gemeinter Vorschlag {m}
comm. FoodInd. gastr. serving suggestionServiervorschlag {m}
spontaneous suggestionEingebung {f}
subtle suggestionraffinierter Vorschlag {m}
suggestion boxKummerkasten {m} [ugs.]
suggestion boxVorschlagsbriefkasten {m}
suggestion schemeVorschlagswesen {n}
gastr. today's suggestion [dish, meal]Tagesempfehlung {f} [Gericht, Speise]
travel tour suggestionTourenvorschlag {m}
ling. translation suggestionÜbersetzungsvorschlag {m}
valuable suggestionwertvoller Vorschlag {m}
verbal suggestionVerbalsuggestion {f}
3 Words: Others
as a suggestion {adv}als Anregung [als Vorschlag]
as a suggestion {adv}als Vorschlag
at his suggestion {adv}auf seine Anregung (hin)
at my suggestionauf meine Anregung
following your suggestionauf deine / Ihre Anregung hin
following your suggestionauf deinen / Ihren Vorschlag hin
3 Words: Verbs
to accept a suggestioneine Anregung annehmen
to float a suggestioneinen Vorschlag in den Raum stellen
to make a suggestioneinen Vorschlag machen
to reject a suggestioneinen Vorschlag ablehnen
to seize a suggestioneine Anregung aufgreifen
3 Words: Nouns
a vague suggestioneine unklare Andeutung {f}
case of suggestionFall {m} von Überredung
econ. company suggestion systembetriebliches Vorschlagswesen {n} <BVW>
econ. employee suggestion systembetriebliches Vorschlagswesen {n} <BVW>
power of suggestionSuggestionskraft {f} [geh.]
suggestion for improvementVerbesserungsvorschlag {m}
suggestion for improvementsVerbesserungsvorschlag {m}
4 Words: Others
at the suggestion ofauf Anraten von
at the suggestion ofauf Vorschlag von
following Mr. Jones' suggestion {adv}auf Anraten von Mr. Jones
Rome was your suggestion.Rom war Ihre Idee. [formelle Anrede]
Rome was your suggestion. [said to one person]Rom war deine Idee.
Rome was your suggestion. [said to two or more people]Rom war eure Idee.
4 Words: Verbs
to act on a suggestioneiner Anregung folgen
to act on a suggestionnach einer Anregung verfahren
to react to a suggestionauf eine Anregung eingehen
4 Words: Nouns
staff suggestion / suggestions scheme <SSS>Verbesserungsvorschlagswesen {n} <VVW> [in Firmen]
5+ Words: Others
following a suggestion from a friend {adv}einer Anregung von befreundeter Seite folgend
idiom His suggestion didn't go down particularly well.Er stieß mit seinem Vorschlag auf wenig Gegenliebe.
I did it at his suggestion.Ich tat es auf seine Anregung hin.
I don't like his suggestion at all.Sein Vorschlag passt mir gar nicht.
if I might hazard a suggestionwenn ich mir einen Vorschlag erlauben darf
not even a suggestion of fatiguenicht die leichteste Spur von Müdigkeit
There is no suggestion that ...Es gibt keinen Anhaltspunkt dafür, dass ...
5+ Words: Nouns
hint / suggestion of a smileAnflug {m} eines Lächelns
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A 2024-11-05: My suggestion
A 2024-03-07: Old juveniles use Facebook. Silly suggestion.
A 2024-02-06: Sunfunlili, Your suggestion and argument lack logic.
A 2023-04-28: Collins confirms sunfun's suggestion +armchair politician+
A 2023-04-27: sunfun's suggestion > Eigentümergemeinschaft
A 2023-04-11: There we are: MW confirms my suggestion / 11:47, NOT +just a normal thing ...
A 2023-04-07: Suggestion.
A 2023-02-15: a suggestion
A 2022-06-06: Suggestion; the German original seems to breathe a whiff of irony.
A 2022-06-06: Suggestion
A 2022-05-30: My suggestion: wooden pipes
A 2022-04-25: Suggestion: a / one principal actor in an ensemble cast
A 2022-04-03: Suggestion
A 2022-02-07: Suggestion: workshops making delegates understand the legal framework with...
A 2022-01-10: Suggestion
A 2021-12-14: Full suggestion
A 2021-12-13: Suggestion.
A 2021-10-25: bxcnch (DE)'s suggestion is correct
A 2021-10-18: Set here is Satz (not a translation suggestion), a collection of things th...
A 2021-07-15: Your EN suggestion is just fine, IMHO.

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suggestions for improvements
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