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English-German translation for: suit
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Dictionary English German: suit

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NOUN   a suit | suits
VERB  to suit | suited | suited ... 
SYNO   suit | suit of clothes | to become ... 
to suit sb.
jdm. passen [gut stehen, recht sein, genehm sein]
cloth. to suit sb. [to look good on]
jdm. stehen
to suit [match]
to suit sb.
jdm. liegen
to suit sb. [to please]
jdm. behagen
cloth. to suit sb.
jdn. kleiden [jdm. stehen]
to suitgelegen kommen
to suit sb.jdm. dienlich sein
to suit sb./sth.zu jdm./etw. passen
to suit sth.sichAkk. für etw.Akk. eignen
cloth. suit
Anzug {m}
law suit
Klage {f} [Zivilrecht]
law suit
Prozess {m}
suit [marriage proposal]
Heiratsantrag {m}
law suit
Rechtsstreitigkeit {f}
cloth. suit
Herrenanzug {m}
law suit
Prozeß {m} [alt]
suit [request]
Gesuch {n}
games suit [cards]
Farbe {f} [Karten]
games suit
Spielkartenfarbe {f}
suit [coll.]
Schlipsträger {m} [ugs.]
suit [person] [coll.]
Anzugträger {m} [ugs.]
suit [the wooing or courting of a woman]
Werbung {f} [um eine Frau]
cloth. suit
Tracht {f}
suit [coll.]
Krawattenträger {m} [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
law in suit {adj}strittig
Suit yourself! [coll.]Wie du willst! [ugs.]
Suit yourself.Wie du meinst.
2 Words: Verbs
to best suit sb.jdm. am besten passen [ugs.] [am besten stehen]
to best suit sb.zu jdm. am besten passen
law to file suiteinen Prozess einleiten
to follow suitmitziehen [nachziehen]
games to follow suit [card games](Farbe) bekennen
games to follow suit [card games](eine Farbe) bedienen
to follow suit [idiom]nachziehen [ugs.] [es jdm. nachtun]
to follow suit [idiom]dem Beispiel folgen
to follow suit [idiom] [to do the same thing as someone else]es jdm. gleichtun [Redewendung]
to suit as sth.als etw. taugen
to suit sb.'s book [idiom]jdm. in den Kram passen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to suit sb.'s needsjds. Anforderungen entsprechen
to suit sth. to sb.etw. nach jdm. richten
to suit to sth.an etw. anpassen
to suit up [Am.]sich anziehen [zweckmäßige Kleidung für eine bestimmte Aktivität]
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. (woman's) suitKostüm {n}
cloth. $500 suit500-Dollar-Anzug {m}
law alimony suitAlimentenklage {f}
alimony suit [Am.]Unterhaltsklage {f}
law antitrust suit [Am.]Kartellverfahren {n}
cloth. FireResc asbestos suitAsbestanzug {m}
cloth. bathing suit [esp. Am.]Badeanzug {m}
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Q 2023-03-14: law to file [a suit, a petition for divorce] [Akk.] einreichen [Klage...
A 2021-11-10: first (holy) communion dress / suit
Q 2018-07-07: chain mail suit
A 2017-08-04: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%22state+liability+suit%22&oq=%22state+l...
A 2016-12-18: http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/193718?redirectedFrom=Suit+of+clothes#eid19900000
Q 2016-12-18: Suit of clothes
A 2016-11-23: I know +no trumps+ to mean a suit that is not trumps.
A 2015-09-22: make the suit
A 2015-09-22: make the suit
Q 2015-09-22: make the suit
A 2015-07-08: pretty much everything they would care to say / to vent about the child's ...
A 2015-05-19: "Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theorie...
Q 2015-05-18: fit or suit?
A 2014-10-06: ... inasmuch as the applicant's argument regarding the substance of the te...
A 2014-05-20: The problem is that "standing" doesn't have to mean there's a suit.
A 2013-12-04: suit bag = Kleidersack
A 2013-09-20: Are you sure it's the suit that's being described and not the person wearing it?
A 2013-08-26: putative suit
A 2013-07-04: oder: That might (well) suit him - könnte was für ihn sein
Q 2012-09-22: 'to suit up and show up'

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