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English-German translation for: suitability
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Dictionary English German: suitability

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
NOUN   a suitability | suitabilities
SYNO   suitability | suitableness
Eignung {f}
Tauglichkeit {f}
Angemessenheit {f}
Geeignetheit {f}
2 Words
ecol. habitat suitabilityHabitateignung {f}
land suitabilityLandeignung {f}
econ. QM suitability assessmentZweckmäßigkeitsprüfung {f}
suitability criteriaEignungskriterien {pl}
suitability testEignungsprüfung {f}
3 Words
of limited suitability {adj} [postpos.](nur) bedingt geeignet
QM accessibility and suitabilityZugänglichkeit und Eignung
zool. breed suitability testZuchttauglichkeitsprüfung {f}
biol. habitat suitability index <HSI>Habitateignungsindex {m}
proof of suitabilityEignungsnachweis {m} [Zertifikat]
comp. suitability for learning [per ISO]Erlernbarkeit {f} [nach ISO]
suitability for practicePraxiseignung {f}
suitability for useEignung {f}
suitability for useEinsatztauglichkeit {f}
suitability for useGebrauchstauglichkeit {f}
suitability for useTauglichkeit {f}
suitability or otherwiseEignung oder Nichteignung
tech. suitability testing requirementsBestimmungen {pl} für die Eignungsprüfung
chem. electr. ind. system suitability test <SST>Systemeignungstest {m}
4 Words
suitability for daily useAlltagstauglichkeit {f}
comp. suitability for the taskAufgabenangemessenheit {f}
comp. suitability for the tasksAufgabenangemessenheit {f}
5+ Words
EU pharm. certificate of suitability of monographs of the European pharmacopoeia <CEP>CEP-Zertifikat {n} [auch: CEP {f}; Konformitätsbescheinigung dafür, dass ein Arzneistoff oder pharmazeutischer Hilfsstoff entsprechend den Monographien des Europäischen Arzneibuches hergestellt wird]
comp. suitability for the user's tasks [ISO 9241-110]Aufgabenangemessenheit {f} [ISO 9241-110]
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A 2009-06-10: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Ade%3A...
A 2008-10-28: I'd say suitability
A 2008-09-01: ? a) Technology b) Suitability c) Operation
A 2008-03-07: appraising / assessing / rating the adequacy / suitability of the targeted...
A 2007-09-25: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1B3GGGL_enCA238CA239&q=%22target+gr...
A 2007-09-25: I think "suitability FOR target group"
A 2007-09-25: nicht 'adequacy'. 'target group suitability / suitablility of target grou...
A 2007-07-23: tauglichkeit is fitness/suitability for use, so suitable for everyday use?
A 2007-07-20: dann: suitAbility
A 2007-03-18: just being on Chardonnay: Operational suitability ?
A 2007-03-18: suitability for daily use
A 2007-03-18: practical suitability?
A 2006-09-11: aggregate suitability
A 2006-08-10: suitability
A 2006-02-01: ??? http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22treatment+suitabi...
A 2005-12-04: suitability assessment / advice on giving up smoking
A 2004-07-19: How about: certification of suitability for series production
A 2004-05-12: suitability of various ways of making contact
A 2004-02-03: verification of suitability

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