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English-German translation for: sunshine
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Dictionary English German: sunshine

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NOUN   sunshine | -
SYNO   sun | sunlight | sunshine | cheer ... 
Sunshine! [coll.]
Kumpel! [Anrede]
Sunshine! [coll.]
Freundchen! [ugs.] [drohend]
sunshine [coll.]mein Lieber [Anrede]
sunshine [coll.]meine Liebe [Anrede]
Sonnenschein {m}
sunshinesonniges Wetter {n}
2 Words: Nouns
meteo. autumn sunshineHerbstsonnenschein {m}
bright sunshineheller Sonnenschein {m}
brilliant sunshineheller Sonnenschein {m}
evening sunshineAbendsonnenschein {m}
meteo. fall sunshine [Am.]Herbstsonnenschein {m}
liquid sunshine [coll.] [hum.]Regen {m}
magnificent sunshineKaiserwetter {n} [hum.]
morning sunshineMorgensonnenschein {m}
meteo. spring sunshineFrühlingssonnenschein {m}
meteo. summer sunshineSommersonnenschein {m}
meteo. sunshine durationSonnenscheindauer {f}
sunshine hoursSonnenscheinstunden {pl}
sunshine hoursSonnenstunden {pl}
sunshine laws [coll.] [Am.]Gesetze {pl} zur Wahrung des Rechts auf Auskunft
sunshine outingSonnenausflug {m}
meteo. sunshine recorderSonnenscheinschreiber {m}
sunshine roofSchiebedach {n}
sunshine roofSchiebehubdach {n}
automot. sunshine roofSonnendach {n}
geogr. pol. Sunshine State [nickname for the State of Florida and one of the nicknames for South Dakota]Sonnenscheinstaat {m} [auch: Sonnenschein-Staat] [Spitzname für Florida und South Dakota, USA]
sunshine trapStrahlenfalle {f} [ugs.] [Sonnenkollektor]
sunshine tripSonnenreise {f}
journ. sunshine week [Am.][Woche zur Wahrung des Rechts auf Auskunft]
meteo. winter sunshineWintersonnenschein {m}
3 Words: Nouns
blazing hot sunshineglühend heißer Sonnenschein {m}
day of sunshineSonnentag {m}
days of sunshineSonnentage {pl}
meteo. duration of sunshineSonnenscheindauer {f}
hours of sunshineSonnenstunden {pl}
geogr. Land of Sunshine [also: Sunshine State] [nickname] [State of New Mexico][Spitzname für New Mexico, USA]
rays of sunshineSonnenstrahlen {pl}
snatches of sunshinesonnige Augenblicke {pl}
meteo. sunshine duration transmitterSonnenscheinautograph {m}
meteo. sunshine duration transmitterSonnenscheinschreiber {m}
4 Words: Others
meteo. Unverified wall-to-wall sunshine {adj}Sonnenschein pur
4 Words: Verbs
to catch some sun / sunshine [coll.]etwas Sonne tanken [ugs.]
to catch some sun / sunshine [coll.]ein bisschen / wenig Sonne tanken [ugs.]
4 Words: Nouns
a ray of sunshine [a very cheerful person] [Am.] [Idiom]ein (richtiger) Sonnenschein {m} [fig.] [heitere Person]
a snatch of sunshineein bisschen Sonnenschein {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
not just sunshine and roses [idiom]nicht nur eitel Sonnenschein [Redewendung]
periods of bright sunshine interspersed with showerssonnige Abschnitte {pl} mit vereinzelten Regenschauern
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [Michel Gondry]Vergiss mein nicht!
film F Sunshine State [John Sayles]Land des Sonnenscheins - Sunshine State
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
bot. T
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A 2012-08-16: Hello (my) sunshine
A 2012-03-14: Radiant is the same - sunshine and light (and smiles).
A 2011-01-12: Sunshine Coast
A 2010-12-26: They may have sunshine....
Q 2010-01-10: overheated under sunshine
A 2009-03-14: ... and Sylt's beaches, blazing in the sunshine, welcome you (Ihnen, nicht...
A 2008-11-21: no ray of +sunshine+ reaches the ground
A 2007-07-29: sun, sunshine, The Punisher ....
A 2007-04-22: We obviously both just came in from the sunshine at the same time :)
A 2007-01-05: thanks - same to you - hopefully sunshine in oxfordshire ;)))
Q 2006-12-31: little sweet sunshine
Q 2006-10-11: before you fly away into the sunshine....
A 2006-09-07: oh well..... sunshine in OXON and warmish...
A 2006-06-29: Rain - Sunshine reply
Q 2006-06-29: Rain - Sunshine
A 2006-06-11: Thanks Dwight for both answers!!! You really turned half of my day into su...
A 2006-05-12: go out and get some sunshine!!
A 2006-01-28: If you also leave out / cancel any sunshine
A 2005-10-26: It appeared in bright and equally merciless sunshine
A 2005-10-26: maybe: in a bright but just as pitiless sunshine

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