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English-German translation for: supermarket
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Dictionary English German: supermarket

Translation 1 - 20 of 20

English German
NOUN   a supermarket | supermarkets
comm. supermarket
Supermarkt {m}
comm. supermarket
Verbrauchermarkt {m}
comm. supermarket
Lebensmittelmarkt {m}
supermarketKaufhalle {f} [ostd.]
supermarketKoofhalle {f} [ostd.]
2 Words
comm. FoodInd. Asian supermarketAsialaden {m}
comm. Asian supermarketAsia-Markt {m}
comm. big supermarketgroßer Supermarkt {m}
comm. budget supermarketBilligmarkt {m}
comm. discount supermarketDiscounter {m}
comm. favorite supermarket [Am.]Lieblingssupermarkt {m}
comm. favourite supermarket [Br.]Lieblingssupermarkt {m}
comm. FoodInd. organic supermarketBiosupermarkt {m}
comm. supermarket chainGroßverteiler {m} [schweiz.] [Supermarktkette]
comm. supermarket chainSupermarktkette {f}
comm. supermarket checkoutSupermarktkasse {f}
supermarket shelfSupermarktregal {n}
supermarket trolley [Br.]Einkaufswagen {m}
3 Words
supermarket of beliefsSupermarkt {m} der Weltanschauungen
4 Words
comm. cash-and-carry supermarketAbholgroßmarkt {m}
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A 2019-08-29: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=r6pnXabLGYLisAeK-6v4Bg&q=%22f...
Q 2016-10-19: Supermarket experience.
A 2014-01-13: ergänzend, just to name a few convenience / supermarket stores -
Q 2013-02-25: Food sold vs (Food being sold) in this supermarket is of the highest quality
A 2012-07-25: I'd make something up. The whole thing about scientists with a supermarket...
Q 2012-07-25: "clickers" in the supermarket
A 2011-03-09: The supermarket is the magnet because it sells what people need.
Q 2011-03-09: supermarket-anchored
A 2011-03-07: All expensive products banned from this place, shop, store, supermarket, etc.
A 2010-07-06: They are also called Spätzle in the supermarket,
A 2010-03-23: At the deli counter in the supermarket - It's a bit over, is that ok?
A 2009-12-03: The supermarket cashier's job is a dicey one - and a girl would hardly sho...
A 2009-07-28: Could "Warenwelt" be used to describe the new design of the supermarket
Q 2009-04-18: supermarket salesman
Q 2008-09-12: UK supermarket chains squeezed out by German rivals?
A 2008-02-10: You could indeed stick apples and oranges in there, too, but somebody at t...
A 2007-06-05: wow, and I thought the puppy boxes at Pet Supermarket were cruel!
A 2007-04-28: In a supermarket, it's a Fließband or Förderband.
A 2006-10-25: a chain, e.g. supermarket chain
A 2006-10-22: hahaha :-) next question: what is a supermarket ?? :-))))

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