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| rush job [coll.] [supplies or services] | Eilauftrag {m} | |
Partial Matches |
| law passing off [misrepresenting one's goods or services as being the goods and services of a third party] | [irreführendes Ausgeben eigener Waren oder Dienstleistungen als diejenigen eines Dritten] | |
| comm. stocks [supplies] | Lagerbestände {pl} | |
| stocks [supplies] | Vorräte {pl} | |
| stationery [office supplies] | Bürobedarf {m} | |
| stationery [office supplies] | Büromaterial {n} | |
| comm. MedTech. medical goods [supplies] | Gesundheitsgüter {pl} | |
| stores {pl} [supplies] | Ausrüstung {f} [Vorräte, Bestände] | |
| stores {pl} [supplies] | Ausstattung {f} [Vorräte, Bestände] | |
| toys googly eyes [craft supplies] | Wackelaugen {pl} | |
| naut. marine gear [boat supplies] | Bootszubehör {n} | |
| depleted {adj} {past-p} [supplies, reserves] | erschöpft [Vorräte, Reserven] | |
| impoverished {adj} [e.g. soil, supplies] | erschöpft | |
| provisions {pl} [supplies of food] | Verpflegung {f} [Essen, Proviant] | |
| to get sth. in [supplies] | etw. anlegen [Vorrat] | |
| vaccination dispute [e.g. over supplies] | Impfstreit {m} | |
| to tender [money, services, shares] | anbieten | |
| econ. to tender [money, services, shares] | bieten | |
| econ. jobs contractor [of works, services] | Werkvertragsnehmer {m} | |
| easy-access {adj} [attr.] [services] | niederschwellig | |
| to recruit sth. [replenish supplies] | etw.Akk. ergänzen [Vorräte] | |
| climbing gastr. hiking provisions {pl} [supplies of food and beverages] | Wanderproviant {m} | |
| school stuff [coll.] [school supplies] | Schulzeug {n} [ugs.] [Schulsachen] | |
| aviat. to drop [bomb, supplies, burden] | abwerfen [aus Flugzeug, auch: Last] | |
| to run out [contract, money, supplies etc.] | zu Ende gehen | |
| engaged {adj} {past-p} [employed the services of] | eingeschaltet | |
| acc. jobs [German professional providing auditing services] | Wirtschaftsprüfer {m} | |
| hoax call [to emergency services] | falscher Notruf {m} | |
| overnight express [parcels/courier services] | Nachtexpress {m} | |
| provisions {pl} [supplies of food and drink for a journey] | Proviant {m} | |
| TrVocab. the services {pl} [Br.] [coll.] [motorway services] | Raststätte {f} | |
| comm. incoming orders [for goods and services] | Bestelleingang {m} | |
| tech. service profile [services provided profile] | Leistungsprofil {n} [Serviceangebot] | |
| admin. agr. Unverified [agricultural support payments to ensure adequate food supplies] | Versorgungssicherheitsbeiträge {pl} [in der Schweiz] | |
| relig. divine {adj} [services, objects, etc., but not people] | religiös | |
| to engage [employ the services of] | einschalten [Anwalt etc.] | |
| acc. [Austrian profession offering certified public accountant services] | Wirtschaftstreuhänder {m} | |
| constr. ind. law [interim acceptance of work or services performed] | Zwischenabnahme {f} | |
| rail local station [separate station for local services] | Lokalbahnhof {m} | |
| secret commission [fee for services rendered] | Schmiergeld {n} [ugs.] | |
| law legal {adj} <leg.> [matters, affairs, advice, services etc.] | juristisch <jur.> | |
| comm. freedom of entry [for goods or services] | ungehinderter Marktzutritt {m} | |
| to replenish sth. [one's stocks or supplies] | etw.Akk. (wieder) ergänzen [seine Vorräte] | |
| provisions [supplies of food, esp. for a journey] | Vorräte {pl} [an Lebensmitteln, bes. Proviant] | |
| [members of German intelligence services] | Schlapphüte {pl} [ugs.] [Mitglieder deutscher Geheimdienste] | |
| hist. mil. rear services {pl} [also: Rear Services] | rückwärtige Dienste {pl} [auch: Rückwärtige Dienste (RD)] | |
| comp. colocation [provision of computing services in a third-party location] | Server-Housing {n} | |
| to eke sth. out [supplies etc.] | etw. strecken [Vorräte etc.] | |
| to toll the bell [to announce a death or at funeral services] | das Totenglöcklein schlagen | |
| skirting clip [hotel supplies] | Skirtingklammer {f} [auch: Skirting-Klammer] [Hotel- und Gastronomiebedarf] | |
| to dig into sth. [start using supplies / savings] [coll.] | an etw. gehen [Ersparnisse / Vorräte beginnen zu verbrauchen] [ugs.] | |
| (table) skirting clips [hotel supplies] | Skirtingclips {pl} [auch: Skirting-Clips] [Hotel- und Gastronomiebedarf] | |
| audio pol. (Australian Government) Hearing Services Programme [Br.] <HSP> [Office of Hearing Services] | Hörbeihilfeprogramm {n} (des Australischen Staates) | |
| mil. pol. world of intelligence [rare: intelligence world] [world of secret services] | Geheimdienstwelt {f} | |
| hist. mil. enlisted men [Am.] [member of the U.S. armed services ranking below a NCO] | Gemeine {pl} [veraltet] [Mannschaftsdienstgrade] | |
| comp. colocation [provision of computing services in a third-party location] | Colocation {f} [Server-Housing] | |
| to cancel sth. [e.g. an order for goods or services] | etw.Akk. ristornieren [z. B. eine falsche Buchung] | |
| a week's worth of x [supplies, e.g. underwear, fuel] | X für eine Woche [Vorräte, z. B. Unterwäsche, Treibstoff] | |
| law [legal term for a person who has obtained valuable services by unlawful means 'for free'] | Leistungserschleicher {m} | |
| med. pol. Department of Health and Human Services <DHHS> [Am.] | DHHS {n} [US-Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Human Services] | |
| admin. Office for the Execution of Penal Sentences and Justice [Swiss cantonal governmental unit responsible for prisons and parole services] | Amt {n} für Justizvollzug [Schweiz] | |
| to break into sth. [to start to consume supplies, a bottle, a big banknote] | etw.Akk. anreißen [ugs.] [anbrechen] [Vorräte, eine Flasche, einen großen Geldschein zu verbrauchen beginnen] | |
| [coll. description of paramedical staff working in emergency services regardless of rank or education] | Notarzthelfer {pl} [ugs.] [falsche Bezeichnung für das Rettungsdienstpersonal] | |
| pol. sweetening [coll.] [fig.] [luring politicians with gifts, initially without demanding services in return] | Anfüttern {n} [fig.] [Geschenkvergabe an Politiker, zunächst ohne Gegenleistung] | |
| sweetening [coll.] [fig.] [luring politicians with gifts, initially without demanding services in return] | Anfütterung {f} [fig.] [Geschenkvergabe an Politiker, zunächst ohne Gegenleistung] | |
| archi. constr. RealEst. service entrance room [room in a basement area, where all services enter the same exterior wall facing a road] | Hausanschlussraum {m} <HAR> | |
| to call upon sb. to do sth. [trouble sb., call upon the services of sb.] | jdn. bemühen, etw. zu tun [geh.] [jds. Dienste in Anspruch nehmen] | |
| pol. sweetening ban [coll.] [fig.] [ban on luring politicians with gifts, initially without demanding services in return] | Anfütterungsverbot {n} [fig.] [Verbot der Geschenkvergabe an Politiker, zunächst ohne Gegenleistung] | |
| FireResc Star of Life [international emergency medical services symbol] | Star of Life {m} [internationales Zeichen für Einrichtungen des Rettungsdienstes] | |
| mil. two-finger salute [used by Polish military and uniformed services and by Cub Scouts] | Zwei-Finger-Gruß {m} | |
| transp. CASTOR® [cask for storage and transport of radioactive material; tradename of the Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service (company for nuclear services)] | CASTOR® {m} [»Fass zur Lagerung und zum Transport radioaktiven Materials«; Markenname der GNS] | |
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