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English-German translation for: supply by air
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Dictionary English German: supply by air

Translation 1 - 50 of 8039  >>

Keywords contained
to supply by airauf dem Luftweg versorgen
Partial Matches
air supplyBelüftung {f}
aviat. air supplyLuftversorgung {f}
air supplyLuftvorrat {m}
air supplyLuftzufuhr {f}
air supplyLuftzuführung {f}
air supplyNachschub {m} auf dem Luftweg
air supplyVersorgung {f} auf dem Luftwege
supply airZuluft {f}
engin. air supply connectionZuluftanschluss {m}
air supply ductLuftzuführungskanal {m}
tech. air supply systemFrischluftanlage {f}
archi. air supply systemFrischluftsystem {n}
tech. air supply systemZuluftanlage {f}
tech. air supply tubeLuftzufuhrrohr {n}
tech. combustion air supplyVerbrennungsluftversorgung {f}
compressed air supplyDruckluftanschluss {m}
tech. compressed air supplyDruckluftversorgung {f}
fresh air supplyFrischluftzufuhr {f}
tech. fresh air supplyFrischluftzuführung {f}
tech. supply air ductZuluftkanal {m}
tech. supply air fanZulüfter {m}
comp. supply air temperatureEinblastemperatur {f}
dent. tech. compressed-air supply hoseDruckluftzuführungsschlauch {m}
supply of fresh airFrischluftversorgung {f}
by air {adv}auf dem Luftweg
aviat. transp. by air {adv} [cargo]per Luftfracht
to attack by airaus der Luft angreifen
to carry by airvon der Luft tragen
to come by airmit dem Flugzeug kommen
to convey by airauf dem Luftwege versenden
aviat. travel to go by airmit dem Flugzeug reisen
aviat. travel to travel by aireine Flugreise machen
aviat. to travel by airfliegen
aviat. to travel by airmit dem Flugzeug fliegen
to travel by airmit dem Flugzeug reisen
aviat. transp. conveyance by airLufttransport {m}
delivery by airLieferung {f} per Luftpost oder Luftfracht
dispatch by airVersand {m} als Luftfracht
aviat. travel TrVocab. journey by airFlugreise {f}
oxidation by airLuftoxidation {f}
aviat. travel TrVocab. travelling by airFliegerei {f} [Reisen mit dem Flugzeug]
aviat. carriage by air [Br.]Lufttransport {m}
to send by air mailmit Luftpost senden
developing by air-passageLuftgangentwicklung {f} [Textiltechnik]
ninety minutes by airneunzig Flugminuten {pl}
inflammable by exposure to air {adj}luftentzündlich
packed for carriage by airluftfrachtmäßig verpackt
carriage of goods by airBeförderung {f} der Ware auf dem Luftwege
risks of transport by airGefahren {pl} des Lufttransports
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